Episode 005: Abraham Allende
It's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy another episode of Coffee Break.

I love talking with people who have interesting stories to tell. And Abraham Allende -- former Cleveland sportscaster and current bishop of the Northeastern Ohio Synod of the ELCA -- has many.

Language has been a central part of Bishop Allende's career, from teaching high-school French to broadcasting Cleveland Indians games under the name Allen Davis. And he continues to speak, teach, and write professionally today -- though now it's from the pulpit.

Despite any misgivings you may have about organized religion, I think you'll enjoy our conversation about the power of language and the messages we choose to share.

We also talk about what it means to be called to a vocation. (You know, like writing. Or teaching. Or whatever it is you feel called to do.) Oh, and the importance of being authentic. All good stuff.

Visit Bishop Allende's blog, or read more about him at Cleveland.com.
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The post Coffee Break: Abraham Allende appeared first on The Write Now Podcast with Sarah Werner.