WrestleManiaXXX-Great Matches Even if Storyline Buildup Don't Match Up
Abyss and EY with a long and crappy throw down.
Lashley and EC3-  Bobby looks like Bobby. Willow continues revenge for Genesis by attacking EC3.
Magnus doesn't care about Dixie when he has Abyss.
Gunners Dad drops to broken beer bottle. Good job selling Dad
Gail Kim and Leid Tapa...one and done.
Beautiful People back together minus Madison Rayne
BroMans vs. Tiger One and Hyundai Sonata.
Bully Ray talks to chair. Don’t screw with Bobby Roode.
Magnus vs. Samoa Joe for the TNA Championship. Abyss and MVP were chained together at ringside. Why unchain the cuffs.
Bad Microphones, Drooling, Broken Glasses and Ripped Skinny Jeans...and there was your opening segment #RAWBrooklyn
Dolph, Del Rio, Christian and Sheamus for IC Contendership against Big E...and Christian won?
Before #WrestlemaniaXXX we have to have #Botchamania in Brooklyn #RAWBrooklyn Del Rio with Big Wif on that kick on the ropes. Del Rio got pissed during that match.
Sin Cara w/ ScoobyDoo at ringside with a complete burial of Damien Sandow. Talk about DogHouse.
Rybaxel vs. Usos instead of battle royal.
Sabotage. Get down! Should be like True Lies, but I’m a senior citizen. With Arnold and Joe...Ravioli and Magnolia!
Triple H offers Reality Era to Yes Movement.
Harper vs. Cena. Brooklyn, we’re here. Clapping along to the Wyatt theme. Should the Wyatts drop it to stay big heels. We want Harper and Fruity Pebbles chants by Brooklyn. What a match. Cena looks worn down and struggling. Clothesline by Cena flush to the chin. Match ends with Cena wrapped up in the ropes wearing the sheep mask. Excellent visual. Wyatt’s laugh at the end of that spot amazing.
Vicki Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational ...AJ Lee vs all the Divas.
Who thinks Audrey Hepburn, all 30 pounds of her looked any good except insecure women who practice anorexia. She’s eating chocolate, what an oxymoron.
Taco Bell ...are you trying to make me never go back again. stupid grillers commercial. Feel like I’m watching jewelry commercials at Christmas time.
Scott Hall as Razor Ramon to WWE HOF
Real Americans vs. The Shield. Great match, We the People Chants. Cesaro super over. Kane and Outlaws face the Shield at WM30.
Brock Lesnar. Eat, Sleep, Break the Streak. Nice magic act with a real coffin. Huh TNA. Brock stop drop and roll again over the casket.

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