World Title Match a Guaranteed Triple Threat; Cena Scared of Bray Wyatt
Abyss, what is that mask? MVP schedules title rematch with Joe and match with Abyss, only to end in DQ by Eric Young.
Willow live,  and backstage appearance by returning Angelina Love, where's the ring ka king guilder?
LMS Brittany aka WWE developmental tryout Santana Garrett
Bully Ray attacked by Bobby Roode and Dixies goons. Great beatdown.
Tigre Uno and Sennada take down the BroMans. Great match with fresh new talent.
Willow in the rafters, guess he's Sting.
Samuel Shaw chasing the cameraman, after he supposedly is taking to Christy.
Rockstar Spud looking like a cartoon James Bond and EC3 pay tribute to Dixie Carter.  Look away look away Dixieland. #thankyoudixie. Lashley is signed,  will face EC3 next week. Spud will take on Willow. EC3 off camera gestures are awesome.
Samuel Shaw comes out with a half cut red haired mannequin to look like Christy. Creepy bastard chant is over.
Angelina Love is back with new enhancements. Segment with Velvet to reunite went way too long.
Willows music, a Korn ripoff? Brutal Beatdown to Spud.
Bad excuse Bully Ray, we don’t need Bobby Roode to be another Dixie Carter.
Orton and Batista questioning can Triple H kep Bryan out of the title match. Orton now called a paper champion and that he sucks and thats why Batista will beat him and why Bryan is cheered. Hunter climbing the ring calling out Batista and Orton is awesome. HHH or Bryan will advance into in a guaranteed triple threat match.
Kudos to Renee Youngs excellent wardrobe choice.
Bad News Barrett returns
Cena is scared the way Scooby Doo is with a guh guh guh ghost! The Mystery Machine visits Raw next week too.
Orton and his scripted promo..mere possibility.
Pulling your tooth out for a cigarette, TGI Fridays, we went for the Burger and Bottomless Fries.
Lawler demo of WWE Network, technologically handicapped on his iPad.
The Shield continue to defy Kane, where are the Shield going to be in WrestleMania?
Naomi is back with a patch, and she gets the pin on AJ, who splits from Tamina
Clubber Lang er. Mr.T enters WWE Hall of Fame. Great for Wrestling.
8-man tag to showcase Andre Battle Royal: Rybaxel, Sandow and Del Rio vs. Ziggler, Big Show Mark Henry and Big E. Ziggler got emotional after win vs. Del Rio and announcers point out and put him over.
Schwarznegger promotes Sabotage next week on RAW from Brooklyn.
Triple H respects Daniel Bryan, but no...fake cops, handcuffs and the Cerebral Assassin strikes. Stephanie cheers him on. Bryan made to be a martyr. Handcuff keys dropped on the carnage as a finishing touch.

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