Born from 17 years of trial, error, and self-development, Greg pulls back the curtain and the hard road he took to become the man he needed. This is the story of WrestedLife.

From a pitiful, self-destructive monster to a man of dignity, honor, and love, this story gets raw. Here's an overview of what Greg dives into:
-Failed suicide attempts
-Hard questions that changed everything
-How self-pity stifles hope
-Becoming an unlikely inspiration

Ante up. Here's what we ask of you:
1. Do something with it. Notate what comes up for you. Pay attention for the thoughts and actions that will come to mind, because those are the path forward.
2. Rate and review. The feedback helps, and we want to hear your experience.
3. Pay it forward. If this episode reminds you of someone, share it with them and tell them why. Then have them ante up with #1.