#751 WP-Tonic This Week in WordPress & SaaS: With Special Guest Veena Prashanth Digital Access Pass




WP-Tonic Show Hosts Jonathan Denwood & Kurt Von Ahnen

How To Build A Successful BootStrap Startup Business

Main Questions For Interview With Our Special Guest Veena Prashanth

#1 -Veena maybe you can tell us how you got involved in the world of WordPress and then started DigitalAccessPass.com and SmartQuizBuilder.com?

#2 - What have been some of the biggest challenges you have faced connected to growing your plugin businesses?

#3 - Do you see some real opportunities in the WordPress market place in the next couple of years?

#4 - What are some of your own views connected to Gutenberg and full website editing?

#5 - If you go back to a time machine at the beginning of your career, what key advice would you give yourself?

#6 - Are there any books, websites, or online recourses that have helped you in your business development that you like to share with the audience?

Veena Prashanth

