The Future of WordPress Themes in a World of Gutenberg Blocks

I’m Brian Gardner, a Chicago-based designer, WordPress expert, and the creator of Powder—a base WordPress block theme created for Full Site Editing. Build something cool, pair it with a child, or use it for a client project.

I believe that good design is about pushing boundaries and experimenting with new ideas. It’s about dreaming, thinking outside the box, and creating something unique.

Main Questions For Interview

#1 - Brain, can you give the listeners and viewers some insights connected to what you do on a day-to-day basis in the WP-Engine team and what it is like working with such a great group of people?

#2 - Brain, while are we with the Gutenberg project, and how does the traditional theme fit into the new world of Gutenberg and block libraries?

#3 - I personally see some fantastic opportunities with Gutenberg and block libraries what is your's and WP-Engine attitude connected to helping developers and designers in this new world of blocks?

#4 - Matt Mullenweg seems lately to be having problems with some of the major hosting providers. How can this situation be improved so everybody can, to some extent, have a win-win situation if this is possible?

#5 - If you go back to a time machine at the beginning of your career, what advice would you give yourself?

#6 - Are there any books, websites, or online recourses that have helped you in your own business development that you like to share with the audience?