We have a great WordPress round-table discussion with a great WordPress community panel. We begin the show discussing the biggest WordPress news stories of the week. Then in the second half of the show we discuss our main show topic "Website Redesigns: What Should You Consider?"

Our panel this week:

Jackie D'Elia https://jackiedelia.com/

Sallie Goetch https://www.wpfangirl.com/

Jonathan Denwood https://www.wp-tonic.com/

John Locke Lockedown SEO

Before the main topic, we looked at our two WordPress news stories of the week:

WordPress 4.6 "Pepper" Released

Us vs Them


Main Topic: Website Redesigns, What Should You Consider?

Show Table of Contents:

0:00 Intros

2:30 News Story #1: WordPress 4.6 Released

10:41 News Story #2: Us vs Them

23:00 Why Do Businesses Need Website Redesigns in the First Place?

23:34 Mobilegeddon Is What Pushed Many People To Redesign Their Sites in 2015

28:02 Envy and Fear

30:23 Customers Judge Your Overall Business by Your Website

31:20 "Your copyright date is six years old!"

32:10 Even Regular People Notice Poor Website Usability

34:00 Why Large Companies Sometimes Have Horrendous Websites

34:30 Drive To Redesign Can Come From Comparing Your Website To Your Competitors

36:40 Redesigns Can Be Delayed Because of Bad Prior Experiences, or Decision Paralysis

39:50 Who Should You Ideally Be Looking For To Do a Website Redesign?

40:10 Pros and Cons of HIring Agencies, Solo Consultants, or In-House

42:10 Different-sized  Businesses Have Different Budgets for a Website Redesign

44:54 A Proper Website Redesign Takes Time

46:15 Some Thoughts On Who NOT to Trust With Your Website Redesign

48:23 "At a certain price, they're just going to farm it out to a 12 year old".

48:54 A Good Agency Will Take Time To Ask Questions and Learn About Your Business

50:20 What Drives Jonathan Crazy About Developers Underestimating Marketing Sites

52:20 A Big Disadvantage To Hiring In-House For a Website Redesign

52:45 What Should You Be Planning For Leading Into a Redesign?

53:45 Some Compelling Reasons Why Your Consultant Should Be Doing A Discovery Phase

55:45 Without A Proper Roadmap, Your Project Will Likely Go Over-Budget

57:10 Most Clients Don't Know What Their Website Can Actually Do For Them

1:00:40 If You Have A Restricted Budget, You Must Have Restricted Expectations

1:02:00 Quality Over Quantity

1:03:00 Podcast Outros


Visit the WP-Tonic website for bonus content from this episode!






WP-Tonic is not only a WordPress maintenance and support service, but we publish a twice weekly WordPress podcast where we talk

We have a great WordPress round-table discussion with a great WordPress community panel. We begin the show discussing the biggest WordPress news stories of the week. Then in the second half of the show we discuss our main show topic "Website Redesigns: What Should You Consider?"

Our panel this week:

Jackie D'Elia https://jackiedelia.com/

Sallie Goetch https://www.wpfangirl.com/

Jonathan Denwood https://www.wp-tonic.com/

John Locke Lockedown SEO

Before the main topic, we looked at our two WordPress news stories of the week:

WordPress 4.6 "Pepper" Released

Us vs Them


Main Topic: Website Redesigns, What Should You Consider?

Show Table of Contents:

0:00 Intros

2:30 News Story #1: WordPress 4.6 Released

10:41 News Story #2: Us vs Them

23:00 Why Do Businesses Need Website Redesigns in the First Place?

23:34 Mobilegeddon Is What Pushed Many People To Redesign Their Sites in 2015

28:02 Envy and Fear

30:23 Customers Judge Your Overall Business by Your Website

31:20 "Your copyright date is six years old!"

32:10 Even Regular People Notice Poor Website Usability

34:00 Why Large Companies Sometimes Have Horrendous Websites

34:30 Drive To Redesign Can Come From Comparing Your Website To Your Competitors

36:40 Redesigns Can Be Delayed Because of Bad Prior Experiences, or Decision Paralysis

39:50 Who Should You Ideally Be Looking For To Do a Website Redesign?

40:10 Pros and Cons of HIring Agencies, Solo Consultants, or In-House

42:10 Different-sized  Businesses Have Different Budgets for a Website Redesign

44:54 A Proper Website Redesign Takes Time

46:15 Some Thoughts On Who NOT to Trust With Your Website Redesign

48:23 "At a certain price, they're just going to farm it out to a 12 year old".

48:54 A Good Agency Will Take Time To Ask Questions and Learn About Your Business

50:20 What Drives Jonathan Crazy About Developers Underestimating Marketing Sites

52:20 A Big Disadvantage To Hiring In-House For a Website Redesign

52:45 What Should You Be Planning For Leading Into a Redesign?

53:45 Some Compelling Reasons Why Your Consultant Should Be Doing A Discovery Phase

55:45 Without A Proper Roadmap, Your Project Will Likely Go Over-Budget

57:10 Most Clients Don't Know What Their Website Can Actually Do For Them

1:00:40 If You Have A Restricted Budget, You Must Have Restricted Expectations

1:02:00 Quality Over Quantity

1:03:00 Podcast Outros


Visit the WP-Tonic website for bonus content from this episode!






WP-Tonic is not only a WordPress maintenance and support service, but we publish a twice weekly WordPress podcast where we talk with some of the brightest minds in WordPress development, web design, and online marketing.