Why have we decided to talk about this subject? Well, a lot of users of WordPress are small business owners who have physical businesses or have a joint set-up of local business and e-commerce online presence and are using WordPress to build their company's website.

However, for you the small business owner to get any real value from your WordPress powered website it's got to show up in Google local search. Unfortunately, I see so many small business owners making a lot of fundamental mistakes when it comes to getting their WordPress optimized for Google local search.

Show Table of Contents:

0:00 Intros

0:43 The Marketing Funnel

1:35 The Importance of Local SEO

2:10 Local SEO is Different than National Search

2:38 Directories and the Internet Yellow Pages

3:00 Getting a Consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone)

4:05 Moz Local for managing your NAP and data aggregation

6:50 Reviews and the Internet Yellow Pages

8:00 Google Local / Google My Business

10:40 Google Search Console

11:10 Yoast SEO and sitemaps with Google Search Console

12:00 Make sure you're not blocking Googlebot in Yoast

13:37 Verifying your site in Google Search Console

16:50 Submitting a XML sitemap to Google and Bing

18:37 Collecting email addresses and some harsh statistics

21:13 Using Google Search Console for keyword research

22:31 Contact information and local SEO

24:32 Where you want to send customers who click on your PPC ads

25:50 Podcast outros



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WP-Tonic is not only a WordPress support and maintenance service, but we publish a twice weekly WordPress podcast where we talk with some of the brightest minds in WordPress development, web design, business, and online marketing.