We have a special guest panelist this week

Adrian Tobey of GroundHogg. https://www.groundhogg.io/

This week show we discuss some great stories. One of our main posts is connecting Yoast working with Google to integrate XML Sitemaps into WordPress Core. Then we have a couple. of posts about Facebook. One is about the company's recent announcement of its massive cryptocurrency project "Libra." The second post is what is it's really like being a Facebook moderation in 2019 a pretty dark article.

#1 - Developers at Yoast and Google Collaborate on Proposal to Add XML Sitemaps to WordPress Core


2 - Key things learned connected to building a successful online membership-based business?


#3 - Disgruntled security firm discloses zero-days in Facebook's WordPress plugins


#4 - The restaurant owner who asked for 1-star Yelp reviews


#5 - WP Rocket: from $0 to $2.6 million in 5 years | Made In WordPress #1


#6 - Bodies in Seats - At Facebook’s worst-performing content moderation site in North America, one contractor has died, and others say they fear for their lives


Recommendations of the week!

Jonathan's Mega Menu Builder - Max Mega Menu Pro - https://www.megamenu.com/features/

Adrian: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-chatbot/.