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Welcome to episode 6 of the WP Hacker Cast. My guest today is Craig Hewitt. Craig is the founder of Podcast Motor, a Podcast Editing And Production service, the owner of the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin for WordPress and the founder of the Castos Podcast hosting platform. He is also the co host of the Rogue Startups podcast, where he and his co host discuss the ups and downs of being single founders.

While Craig does not come from a technical background, in his own words, he learns enough to be dangerous. I’ve had the privilege to work with Craig since the end of 2016 when he acquired the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin. During that time we’ve worked hard to improve the plugin as well as build and launched the Castos service and I’d like to think we’ve both learned a lot from each other.

This interview took a slightly different path than usual as we discussed all manner of topics, from his experiences adapting to living a new life in France with his family, some of the history behind the purchase of Seriously Simple Podcasting and some of the lessons we’ve both learned supporting the free plugin and launching the premium hosting add on.

I hope you enjoy my chat with Craig Hewitt.

Show Notes:

Podcast Motor

Seriously Simple Podcasting


Rogue Startups





Git Flow

Craig Hewitt on Twitter




Twitter Mentions