Today I am joined by another Automattician based in Cape Town, Gareth Allison. Gareth works for the WooCommerce team as a marketing/designer/strategist (that’s his official title) and has a history of front end development, starting with static HTML pages and moving up to building websites with WordPress. He was hired at WooThemes some time later and finally joined Automattic as part of the WooCommerce acquisition.

Gareth is also one half of local Cape Town comedy duo Derick Watts and the Sunday Blues, who have MC’d WordCamp Cape Town since 2011. He also plays bass for local indie rock band, Veladraco.

We chatted about Gareth’s interesting journey to WordPress, the history of Derick Watts, how he manages his time between all the different projects in his life and his thoughts on how creative people are drawn to WordPress. This is the first time a podcast went over the 1 hour mark and, even though we had a few sounds issues, I felt like I could chat to Gareth for hours. So please enjoy my chat with Gareth Allison.

Show Notes:

Derick Watts & The Sunday Blues



Braai Day

Google calendar


Sublime Text


VVV Dashboard





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Derick Watts on Twitter

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