Guest Melinda Wittstock is an acknowledged visionary and powerful connector. Melinda is also on a mission to advance women in entrepreneurship, and is a 4-time serial entrepreneur, innovating successful 7-figure businesses across interactive media, crowdsourcing and technology. She hosts a widely-acclaimed and fast-growing podcast on entrepreneurship at the intersection of personal and business growth called Wings of Inspired Business, as well as the Wings of Success training, mentoring and coaching platform for women in business. She is CEO and founder of Verifeed, the social intelligence platform helping her clients get a measurable Return on Authenticity™ from their social media engagement. Melinda is an avid world traveler and explorer, a fun- loving maverick, a single mom to two teenagers and a golden retriever, and has a love of meditation, yoga and conscious, intentional living.

Please share a “Wow” 

”I'm a super connector! Wherever I go I create magic by bringing unexpected people together, and the outcomes - always 'win win wins' never cease to amaze me.” 

Please share a “Whisper” 

”I am a manifester, and I live by intention. Increasingly I am experiencing incredible synchronicities that show me I'm on the right path.”

What do you want listeners to know about you? 

Wings of Success - the summit, the inner circle, masterminds and epic experiences - catalyzing the ecosystem where women lift each other up (meaningfully, beyond the 'you go girl') by mentoring each other, throwing business to each other and investing in each other. 

Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project 

Wings Media (Wings of Inspired Business podcast and Wings of Success brand) also Verifeed, the social intelligence platform. 

Listener Incentive or Special Offer 

Free Access to the Wings of Success Summit - - for lessons from 60 inspiring female entrepreneurs all with 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 figure businesses and massive influence. 


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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights Rosie’s Place, “Finding answers for 12,000 poor and homeless women a year.” 

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