Sometimes the thing that gets you the most PUMPED and lights your pants on fire to TAKE ACTION is to hear how somebody JUST LIKE YOU really did it.

And when I say really did it, I’m talking about one of my students who was a shoot and burn photographer who took her average client orders from $200 to over $2,000 working very part-time at her photography business.

Her name is Andee Anderton and I'm so excited for you to meet her. Andee is a momma of 2 precious girls under 3, who’s growing a photography business that provides for her family while being present at the same time. 

Not too long ago, she was in the same spot you’re in right now: 

Struggling with the business part…but LOVING the photography. 

Answering inquiries for sessions through FB messenger and agonizing over whether to tell them $200 or $175 for a session. 

Feeling down when client after client ghosts her after she shares prices.

Pop in your earbuds to hear Andee’s inspiring story of what she did to get to where she is now.