How the heck did they do it? Here’s part 2 of our advice series with my $100k Yay Award Winning boutique photographers. You’ll hear directly from them their #1 piece of advice for getting to $100k a year in your portrait photography business. 

I believe one of the most powerful things to see is ordinary people doing extraordinary things. These photographers are just like you– juggling life, family, studio rent, bills with a love for making photos and wanting time freedom and flexibility to put family first. And it’s happening for them. I want this for you, too, and I hope this series showed you that it’s possible no matter where you live or what obstacles have been put in front of you. And next year, I hope to be giving YOU a $100k Yay award on my stage at Go Boutique Live. 

And if you haven’t listened to part one yet, go back and listen for amazing advice from photographers in all stages of their photography journey. Press play for part 2.