Friend, have you ever wondered if the way you grew up is holding you back from becoming your authentic self and succeeding in your business? Today, I’m chatting with my student, Connie Lynch about that and so much more. Connie’s father was a driven businessman who wasn’t home much.  When her father’s version of success rubbed off on her, Connie was afraid that if she was successful with her photography business, she wouldn’t be around for her family.   

I wish I could bottle Connie up and spread her around the world so this podcast is how I’m doing that. Connie’s a military spouse with an often-deployed husband and a mom of 2 kiddos. You’ll hear here Connie’s tips for managing your schedule like a boss when you’re growing a boutique photography business, have kids at home and want date nights with your hubby.  Get ready to fall in love and be inspired on today’s episode.