Previous Episode: WSE11 Is Dave Wrong
Next Episode: WSE13 Star Wars and Porn

Today’s guest is Ray Chase, the new Justin Timberlake of WSE, and frequent voice of Sterling and Stone’s various audiobooks, including the character Boricio. NOTE: If you have a weak […]

Today’s guest is Ray Chase, the new Justin Timberlake of WSE, and frequent voice of Sterling and Stone’s various audiobooks, including the character Boricio.

NOTE: If you have a weak stomach, you might not want to skip this one.

Dave talks about his experience recording The Walking Dave podcast, and Johnny’s newfound guilt
Dave breaks out of his shell and talks to a neighbor, and gains some newfound guilt of his own.
Dave’s unfortunate tummy troubles when he’s just walked 20 minutes away from his home.
It wasn’t just the pants that were lost… it was the sock too.
Kickass Morgan Freeman and angry army guy impressions with Ray Chase.
Sean sits to pee. That is all.
Ray shares his poop story when he was trapped in the car.
Ray Chase’s Playboy job