This episode welcomes back once again our good friend J Jones from the Frown Town podcast.

J and I play catch up for a bit and talk about his new comedy show in Seattle (so if you’re out that way stop in and check it out. I’ll put links below) and his podcast and a recent topic about the PACT act and the veterans affected by it. We start off with talking about some movies and parenting before I ramble some old war stories and get into our main topic about Violence. We go around a bit and share some stories and perspectives about violence in history and some theories about some other aspects and some what-ifs.

All in all it was a great conversation so please enjoy and let us know what you think. 

Special Guests: J Jones

Twitter: @Adjective_J

Find out about J's showcase in Seattle here: jjonescomedian

Check out the Frown Town Podcast with J and Vee!

Shout Outs go to @VeeChattie also from the Frown Town Podcast, to my wife Rachel @getoffmyplanet, and to @Rashanii from the Single Simulcast Podcast.

Thank You!

The Podcast Website can be found here - wormhole_manifest

The website above has all the links to the podcasts social media sites!

All music written, performed, and recorded by @Wormhole_Matt

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