Creative Writing

Making a work of fiction is an extremely creative process. Characters, scenes, plots, settings, all of them have to come from somewhere. Writers’ are constantly on the lookout for inspiration throughout all aspects of their lives. Today we have in the studio Heather Price, whose not only a librarian but also a writer.


Libraries are known for their storytimes and we are too. Each week at around 15 minutes past the hour, tune in to hear book reviews or live readings of picture books or poetry. Today we have Ally Lybbert reviewing "Who Could That Be At This Hour?" by Lemony Snicket. 

Music Literacy

While many people view literacy as simply reading and writing, literacy actually reaches a broad range of disciplines. For example, math literacy. Being literate in math enables students to problem solve, reason, and analyze information. Today however we want to dive into the world of music literacy. That’s why we have Brittany May in the studio, a professor here at BYU who specializes in music education.

Reading with DNS

Here on Worlds Awaiting, we care deeply about literacy and nurturing a passion for learning in every child. However, some children have more challenges than others. Rachel is in the studio today with Vicki Ehlen, an author and director of the Wonderwood Academy, a school for children with Down Syndrome

Librarians' Table

Today we are around the librarians' table with Andy Spackman, and Lety Camacho, business librarians here at BYU. They're here to chat about presentation skills that they teach at the Marriott School of Business as librarians.