I'm always on the lookout for new fruit varieties that are suitable for gardens in Switzerland, and I was delighted to find this Asimina or Pawpaw at the Groot Groen Plus show last year. Grown successfully by a nursery in northern Germany, they are ideal for a Swiss garden as they are cold hardy down to -20 degrees C and the Prima 1216 variety is self-fertile, so you only need one plant. Swiss suppliers include Lubera https://www.lubera.com/ch/artikelsuche?funktion=shop_artikelsuche&query=&attrib%5Bcat%5D%5B%5D=Obstb%E4ume_PawPaw+Indianerbananen
, Haeberli, who have lots of choice, including the varieties from Neal Peterson and the Prima 1216 https://www.haeberli-beeren.ch/de/produkte/21/sortiment-gesamt/indianerbananen
and Heckenpflanzen https://www.heckenpflanzen.ch/fruchtgehoelze/spezielle-fruchtgehoelze/index.php