This episode's topic is so literally monumental, we brought in three experts to help us bring it to life. We’re going back more than 3,000 years, to New Kingdom Egypt, to visit two of the job sites that contributed to the production of some of the ancient world’s most iconic monuments. We start with the dynamic duo of Dr Maria Nilsson and John Ward, Nat Geo Explorers and archaeologists who have spent over ten years uncovering the secrets of Gebel el Silsila, the little-known quarry site that supplied the stone for pretty much every major temple you’d see along a ‘hit parade’ Nile River tour. Then, joined by Egyptologist Sofia Aziz, we zero in on the Valley of the Kings site, Deir el Medina, where extraordinarily detailed archaeological and historical records reveal the lives of one group of ancient Egyptian construction workers in astonishing detail. Think worker strikes and social media are a modern phenomenon? Think again. As with so many things, it seems the Egyptians did it first. So, let’s tread the dust of two of their most prolific building sites. Like an Egyptian, of course.