Avery Carl is a Full-Time Real Estate Investor and Real Estate Agent Based in Florida. She helps Real Estate Investors Gain Knowledge in Order to Be Able to Invest their Money in Short Rentals, and Create More Passive Income. Through Strategic Investment and Short-Term Rental Properties and Maturification? Rental Market She was a Millionaire by 31 years. She Owns Over 24 Properties and is a CEO and Founder of Short Term Rental Shop, a Real Estate Team that Helps Investors Acquire Short-Term Rental Properties in the Most Recession Resistant Markets.

 In this episode we talked about:

Avery’s Bio & Background
Short-Term Rental Properties
Vacation Rentals and Airbnb
Approach in Financing with Short-Term Rentals compared to Multifamily and Single Family Homes
Management Approaches
Metrics Used For Underwriting Properties
Out-of-State Investing, VAT Complexity
Avery`s Vision on how the lockdown has Affected the Real Estate Market
The Deals Avery is Looking For Currently
Dealing with Investors Out of the Country VS Dealing Local
Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned

Useful links:


Speaker 0 (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesper galley. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. All right, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jessica galley and you're listening to working capital. My special guest today is Avery Carl through strategic investing in short-term rental properties and mature vacation rental markets.

She was a millionaire by 31 years old. She now owns over 24 properties and is the CEO and founder of short-term rental shop a real estate team that helps investors acquire short-term rental properties in the most recession resistant markets and trains them on the methods that led her out of the corporate rat race and into financial freedom. Avery, how you doing?

Speaker 1 (51s): Pretty good. How are you? And actually we're at 96 doors. Now that, that outdated. Sorry.

Speaker 0 (57s): I kind of feel like that. That's great. That's good to hear. We were just saying before the show that I was looking through some old emails and it looks like we both spoke at BiggerPockets conference so hard to believe now it's 2019, but you're going to be talking it's this weekend. You're going to be talking on short-term rentals.

Speaker 1 (1m 16s): Yes, yes. Again, as will you, but not on short term. So we're, we're doing it again

Speaker 0 (1m 21s): Right on. Well, that's great to hear. Well, thanks again for coming on to the show. I think our listeners will get a lot out of this. I really want it to have an episode where we can talk a little bit about your background and how you got into real estate, but also specifically talk a little bit about the shor