Marco Santarelli is an Investor, Author, Inc. 5000 Entrepreneur, and the Founder of Norada Real Estate Investments – a Nationwide Provider of Turnkey Cash-Flow Investment property.  His Mission is to help 1 million People Create Wealth and Passive Income and Put Them on the Path to Financial Freedom with Real Estate.  He’s also the host of the top-rated podcast – Passive Real Estate Investing.

In this episode we talked about:

Current State of the Economy
The Pandemic vs Great Recession
Property Appreciation
Importance of Rental Growth
Mortgage Rates
Real Estate Outlook 2022
Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned

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Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name's Jesper galley. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. 


Jesse (22s): All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to working capital the real estate podcast. My name's Jessie for galley and my guest today is Marco Sante. Reli Marco is an investor author, Inc. 1000 entrepreneur and the founder of neurotra real estate investments. The largest nationwide provider of turnkey cashflow, investment properties, and a returning guests. Marco, how's it going? 


Marco (44s): It's going great, Jesse. How are you? 


Jesse (46s): I'm doing fantastic. You know what, actually, before the show, I forgot to ask you, where are you joining us from today? Southern California. Same base, same spot. 


Marco (56s): Yes, but I am a fellow Canadian, so I grew up in Calgary. 


Jesse (1m 2s): That's right. That's right. We talked to, we talked a little bit about that last time on the show. Well, it's great to have a fellow Canadian on the show and just a west coast vantage point in the states. How's everything been going a lot is we were just kind of laughing at how long it's been since the last time. Last time we spoke on the podcast. 


Marco (1m 20s): Yeah. It felt like two months ago, but really it was about a year ago. So I can't believe how fast time flies. It's just crazy, but I know things, things have been, things have been humming along. I mean, we can talk about the economy in general, but things have been crazy over the last year and I'm sure it's been that way in Canada. You know, COVID kind of put a damper on things for a while, as you know, and I think it drove people a little crazy, not being able to go to the restaurants and do a lot of the things they normally do. And I think people just being cooped up at the house, especially with work, drove some people a little bit stir crazy, and now we're starting to se