Ellie Perlman is a multifamily real estate investor and a syndicator, who owns over 2,000 units across the US, worth over $200MM. Ellie is the Founder and CEO of Blue Lake Capital, a real estate investment firm specializing in multifamily investments, where she helps investors grow their wealth and get double returns by joining her investments. She is also the host of "REady2Scale Real Estate Investing" podcast, as well as a coach and mentor to up and coming multifamily syndicators through her personal 1-on-1 mentoring program.

In this episode, we talked about:

Her journey on how she started in real estate investing from being a commercial real estate lawyer Her investment philosophy Her multifamily properties and passive income Advice on building and scaling a real estate syndication business Ellie’s vision and future plans And much MORE


Connect with Ellie Perlman

Ellie’s Website

Email [email protected]

REady2Scale Podcast

REady2Scale Mentoring Program

Blue Lake Capital