John Soforic is the owner of a real estate business and enjoys total financial freedom. He is the author of best-selling book, The Wealthy Gardener a book for his son to distill his own wisdom on money and success. It will teach a lesson on prosperity for anybody and everybody regardless of who you are and your age. In this episode, John shared how he started in real estate, his life as a chiropractor, how real estate changed his life and how he learned to overcome his financial challenges and how it leads him to financial freedom.


“We got into this the book, The Wealthy Gardener, it took me over three years. It was just he and I pass him (my son) back and forth, back and forth. life lessons, ideas, just a meaningful time in our lives.” “And I just felt this deep responsibility to pass along my lessons to him (my son). Everything I've learned along the way, so maybe he would just not start his 20s is unprepared as maybe I was.” “There's a lot of every lesson in my book, if you look at it closely, what you're going to see is, this is how you improve that. This is how you get more intentional. This is how you take better actions. This is how you do it.”


Resources and Links:

The Wealthy Gardner - Audible

 The Wealthy Gardner website

The Wealthy Gardener book by John Sofofric