Travis Watts is a full-time passive investor. He has been investing in real estate since 2009 in multi-family, single-family and vacation rentals. Travis is also the Director of Investor Relations at Ashcroft Capital. Travis has invested in over 25 passive syndications between 14 different firms. Travis now dedicates his time to educating others in the world of investing and has made it his mission to share passive investment strategies in order to help others achieve and maintain wealth in real estate.

In this episode, he shared how he started in real estate after reading the book “Rich Dad’s prophecy”, his first property in 2009 in Colorado from credits of $8000 from the IRS,  type of deals he's done, working 100 hours per week in an oil company, house-hacking strategies, transitioning from full-time employee to full-time passive investor, FIRE movement and MANY MORE!


“I love the idea of just taking something fixing it up making it better and then be worth more.” “We all need to have enough passive income somehow to be able to quit our jobs and retire.” “I just find that real estate's a far better vehicle for creating cash flow and passive income.”

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