Previous Episode: Drains and Radiators

In this episode Helen's guest is Kim Cox - a Director of nursing for mental health services for the Central and North West London NHS Trust. They talk about mental health at work – symptoms, signs, and things that employers and managers can do to prevent the causes of poor mental wellbeing in the workplace. They offer tips and advice about how to manage working from home and how to protect your mental wellbeing as we emerge from lockdown. 

There is no paid content, no ads, no sponsorship. Just chat.

If you need advice on a workplace issue, email [email protected] 

We promise not to disclose your identity if you write in about a sensitive issue. If you simply want to remain anonymous, that's OK with us. We read all your emails but we can't always read them all out. 

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Free Mental Health resources are available from these websites:

Produced by Helen Morris Brown