Insights from Hines at MIPIM with Ronen Journo

In this episode, Caleb Parker is joined by the legendary Ronen Journo, Head of European Management Services and Operations at Hines, and formerly of WeWork fame.

Ronen shares what he has been learning the last 18 months at Hines, and also what the Hines team have noted since Annie Rinker’s episode on Season 2 of this podcast in 2020, when she introduced us to their own Space-as-a-Service brand, The Square.

Ronen talks about creating intimate relationships with customers and aligning Hines ESG goals with those of their customers.


The top 3 takeaways from this episode are:

The spectrum for flexibility is wide Hines doesn’t want to “just compete” with WeWork and IWG Flexible spaces that are highly amenitized will be part of every office customer’s portfolio going forward

Connect with Ronen on LinkedIn

Connect with Caleb on LinkedIn 

If you have any questions or feedback on this episode, email [email protected]


Value Bombs:

Space-as-a-Service can improve the NOI of a building. - Caleb  Flexibility is what the market needs. - Ronen Businesses are in a true war for talent - to retain talent and to attract new talent - so they have to think beyond just bricks and mortar. - Ronen PropTech is maturing. It's not just a conversation, it's happening. - Ronen



[05:10] How are you finding MIPIM? 

[06:45] In your role at Hines, what opportunities are you looking for at MIPIM? 

I joined the firm 18 months ago to get a deep understanding of the Vertically Integrated Model. At MIPIM I am looking to reconnect face-to-face with people in the network and meet new people. I want to expand my awareness of what's going on in the industry and take that back to my team so we can figure out how we can bring more value. 

[09:25] You have launched a few locations with The Square, what have you learned so far? 

[12:05] Are there any key questions that you're looking for answers on to help form your strategy? 

[13:45] Is there a set strategy going forward or are you testing things out right now and seeing what works?

[17:00] Is it safe to say that space-as-service will be a crucial part of the portfolio strategy going forward? 

[19:45] Have there been any tech solutions that stood out to you or ones that you're looking for right now?



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