Two words: MIND. BLOWN.


I used to believe a LOT of myths about SEO, including:

Google ranks websites higher if they’re frequently updated
More content means your site has more chances of ranking well
Adding target keywords to articles is the best way to tell Google what it’s about


And by “used to” I don’t mean years ago.


Nope… these are all myths I believed as recently as last week.


That is until I talked to Kim Herrington.


Kim’s an expert in SEO, search engine marketing, and digital marketing—and she’s the founder of a digital marketing agency where she helps businesses, entrepreneurs, and influencers harness the power of search engines while maintaining high ethical standards and simplifying the process.


On today’s episode, Kim shed a LOT of light on an often mysterious subject: how to get your website to rank well on Google. Honestly, she shared a lot of things that surprised me!


So… if your website is one of the main ways your business attracts customers, this is a can’t-miss episode.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

Can SEO tactics create predictable results?
How complex is SEO? Is it something anyone can do or is professional help necessary?
What SEO tactics create the biggest results?
What are the first steps to getting a website to rank on the first page of Google?

Learn more about Kimberley Herrington:

Transform Your Business with Strategic SEO

Guide to Get More Website Traffic



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