Over the next several episodes, I'm going to be interviewing a series of online business owners about their business models, how their businesses make money, their biggest expenses, how much time their businesses take to run, how big or small their teams are and more.

Today I’m talking to Marie Poulin, creator of Notion Mastery, her hybrid online course that mixes self-paced study with office hours and community support.

Marie helps solopreneurs and small teams streamline their digital systems, processes, and workflows, so they can spend more time on what matters.

Notion Mastery is an online course and community that helps folks use Notion to live and work better.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

Why having live calls and office hours was instrumental to developing Notion MasteryHow a hybrid course plays to Marie’s strengths, personality and how she wants to show up in her businessWhy leveraging interest in an existing tool like Notion or YouTube is a great beginner strategy for developing coursesThe real costs in money and time of running a hybrid course and community

Learn more about Marie Poulin:

Notion MasteryYouTubeTwitter: @MariePoulin

Learn more about Gillian:

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