Over the next several episodes, I'm going to be interviewing a series of online business owners about their business models, how their businesses make money, their biggest expenses, how much time their businesses take to run, how big or small their teams are and more.

Today I’m talking to Cher Hale about how she’s built a micro-agency by design, serving a very specific demographic and market that aligns with her values and passions.

Cher Hale is the founder and director of Ginkgo PR, a boutique agency that believes in using public relations to help historically-excluded authors and entrepreneurs take back their narratives.

As a Taiwanese-Black American woman, Cher is passionate about leveraging the power of media to tell diverse stories through online, print, TV, and podcast mediums so she can play a role in reshaping how our society views social justice, feminism, and multiculturalism.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

How Cher mixes a limited number of traditional retainer clients with consults and a membership optionWhere the biggest chunks of her money and time go as a micro-agencyWhat she loves about her hybrid business model and one big disadvantage of a longer contract

Learn more about Cher Hale:

Gingko Public RelationsConnect with Cher on LinkedIn

Learn more about Gillian:

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