Today’s Topic: Listening to the Whispers from the Universe



Read: Lessons by Gisele Bundchen Mastermind: Connect with us on Instagram: @kimmurgatroyd | @robmurgatroyd


Today Kim and I are talking about whispers from the universe. These whispers can come through to us as an emotion, as words that we hear, or at times they appear to us as another person we randomly bump into. However we hear the whispers, it’s important to pay attention to them and not push them to the back of our mind.


In this episode, you will learn…


Identifying the whispers Leaning into the nudges Why you should ask for help

Today’s Topic: Listening to the Whispers from the Universe



Read: Lessons by Gisele Bundchen Mastermind: Connect with us on Instagram: @kimmurgatroyd | @robmurgatroyd


Today Kim and I are talking about whispers from the universe. These whispers can come through to us as an emotion, as words that we hear, or at times they appear to us as another person we randomly bump into. However we hear the whispers, it’s important to pay attention to them and not push them to the back of our mind.


In this episode, you will learn…


Identifying the whispers Leaning into the nudges Why you should ask for help