Today’s Topic: Finding balance in my nutrition & training

I’m almost 52-years-old, and my body has gone through a number of stages in my adult life (we’re not talking about puberty… today). I’ve been overweight and a fitness competitor at different points in my life, and today I’ve found a healthy balance.

In our 30s, we were living it large – we basically started cheat day on Thursday – and I found myself larger as a result. Then, when I saw the men (some older than me at the time) in a fitness competition, I deconstructed what they were doing and completely transformed my fitness routine and diet.

I was walking around with a gallon of water, eating cold chicken and broccoli, and hating life – but I had great freakin’ abs.

Ultimately, though, I was exhausted every day… and then we had a baby. Kim, who used to be prepping my meals every weekend, had a lot less time and a lot more to do. Without that preperation, I started gaining weight again.

This is when I decided I needed to strike a better balance – I just wanted to feel good.

Kim taught me a new nutritional concept: 2 shakes, 2 snacks, and 1-2 meals daily. I keep track of all that in the same PUSH Journal that I mentioned last week, and that system makes getting good nutrition much easier for me.


So what does that 80/20 balance look like?

We’re making full meal-replacement shakes, not protein or sugar bombs. To fill in the gaps, I’ve introduced vitamins into my diet. We added a 24-48 hour fast, nutritionally supported, once or twice a month (we’ll dig deeper into this on a future episode). Instead of spending hours in the gym, I do HIIT workouts and classes – because there’s a big difference between training with intention and intensity. I still drink a lot of water (but I don’t carry around the plastic jug anymore).


I’m 52, but I still feel better than I did when I was 30 – and that’s what happens when you properly fuel your body.



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