There has been a lot of talk in the WHMH community about fear lately. I think so many people came into 2019 ready to really start tackling their goals and strategizing about how to make them happen, but once they started moving, ALL THE THINGS came rushing back in. The excuses, procrastination, anxiety, anger, guilt, frustration, etc. You name it, these nasty feelings started creeping in.

Some of you are quick to recognize that it’s just an old pattern wanting to hold onto you and keep you small, while others are letting it take you out. Nope. I’m not going to let that happen this time.

The FASTEST way to bust through this wall is to identify what you must believe about yourself in order to make it happen. These patterns are just there to show you that there is something uncomfortable ahead, and it’s a new space. So the only way to build your courage muscle is to change your belief.


Highlights for this episode:

1:00 - The why behind Mindset Monday's

2:21 - How fear hides itself

5:32 - How you can break the walls of your fear

7:27 - Every next level of your life will demand a different you

9:09 - One simple tip to start beating your fear


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About me:

I’m Kari Keating, mom of 3 young boys that ditched a 17-year, 6 figure corporate career to go after her dreams. I’ve been coaching professionally for over 2 years and have had a wide variety of clients from recording artists, website developers, photographers, professional network marketers and other life coaches.

My zone of genius lies in helping soul-based entrepreneurs get out of their heads and into inspired action, so they can make the impact they crave and the income they deserve.



Podcast edited and mixed by Andrew Geary -

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