In this episode, we dive into the world of passkeys, what they are and how they will replace passwords in the future.


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All About Passkeys

In this episode, we delve into the world of passkeys, a topic that many find intriguing but might not fully comprehend. Dustin shares his journey of discovering passkeys through a podcast on, highlighting the importance of staying updated on technological advancements.

Topics Covered:

Introduction to Passkeys:

Exploring the host’s initial confusion and curiosity about passkeys.
Reference to the podcast episode on (Episode 710) featuring Anna from 1Password.

Understanding Passkeys:

Technical explanation of passkeys as cryptographic keys.
Description of public and private keys and their role in enhancing security.
A simplified analogy of a treasure chest with a gold key (public) and a silver key (private).

Advantages of Passkeys:

Comparison with traditional passwords.
Passkeys are being generated rather than created by users.
Phishing resistance due to the nature of passkeys.
Enhanced security and resistance to hacking compared to passwords.

Usage and Implementation:

List of major websites already implementing passkeys.
Tools and methods for using passkeys, including 1Password and the integration with Apple devices.
Discussion on bringing passkeys to WordPress, including insights from iThemes Security Pro.

Looking to the Future:

Acknowledgment of the current status of passkey adoption.
Expectations for increased prevalence and ease of use in the coming years.

Links Shared During the Conversation:
1Password Blog Post on Saving Passkeys
iThemes Security Pro Article

As technology evolves, passkeys emerge as a promising solution for secure and hassle-free authentication.

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