Parents promise their children lots of things. If you finish your dinner, you can eat dessert; if you go potty on the toilet, you can have an M&M; and the list goes on. But the trick is, this type of promise only works if the parents stay true to their word – because if your toddler goes potty on the toilet and doesn’t get an M&M, they’ll lose faith. And you’ll gain dirty laundry. As we continue our message series, Family: Why Bother?, we’re looking to the account of Abram and Sarai to unpack what happens when we lose faith in the promises of God. We’ll see that when we look to ourselves, instead of God and His faithfulness, to provide what we feel we deserve, we cause much more harm than good. Join us for our newest message, The Trouble from Not Trusting, to see how our lack of faith in God’s promises affects our families.