With each generation, we grow more and more untrusting of leadership, and honestly, for good reason. How often do we see in the headlines about a CEO, political leader, or a pastor of a large church removed from leadership due to their inappropriate use of power for their own self desires? Too often. Due to the constant bombardment of poor and harmful leaders, many have grown to distrust all church leadership. But God created the church to be lead, so what is the moral standard for those who are put in positions of leadership? We continue our series, Church: Why Bother?, where together we learn about the beautiful design God created for YOU and His church. In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul is addressing the issue of qualifications for those in leadership. Scripture lays out how not just anybody can be allowed to lead in the church. There are biblical pre-requisites, primarily relating to character and a proven track record of faithfulness. Listen to our newest message of the series, Noble Calling, Noble Character, and see how the church can be cared for by qualified, faithful leaders.