Prepare for cheerful chaos and hard love - we’re back with another round of Seven Minutes in Heaven!


In these special episodes we answer at least four listener questions, but each question only gets seven minutes. A quickie, if you will. ;)

The topics we cover in this episode include:

Online sexting buds disappearing
Check-ins on flirt welcomeness
Long-term mismatched libido
Challenges with flirting on the spectrum


Creators mentioned in this episode:


Article Recommendation:
Sexual Currency

Article by Swell - from Dame Wellness Dot Come
What is Sexual Currency? The article describe it as:
‘ Anytime we hug, kiss, rub, squeeze, and nuzzle into a romantic partner, there is an erotic charge. This comes from the sexual relationship that exists between couples..  Sexual currency is a little different from physical affection. It is sexually charged touch that has erotic meaning.’
Loved this article it’s a great reminder that keeping a saucy fire going in our relationships is work, FUN WORK, that we can make lots of little investments into
Could be particularly helpful to anyone experiencing low libido in their relationship


Instagram Post Recommendation: 

Topic: Relationships with different neurotypes

Stevie Writes shares neat things on kink, non-monogamy, Autism, sexuality and gender on their Instagram
Really wow concept to see specified and to really sit and consider how this affects our perceptions coming together in communications and our experience of our reality
The idea that our realities are all different - our perception is not reality - it is a version of it 
Especially loved this:
‘'Getting comfortable with the ideas that difference can be met with curiosity and not condemnation is powerful work'

Instagram Recommendation: 


Amazing trauma-informed sex therapist
Spoke on an Instagram Live about having a maz (masturbate) on top of your bedcovers while naked, rather than covering yourself up, staying clothed etc. By seeing ourselves in a slightly more embodied way, we can create micro-moments of body acceptance and appreciation. We challenge our dear listeners to give this a try!


Resource Recommendation: 


A great reflection tool to help me let go of a hard year, and set me up for the new one
We are both filling this out this year (Lauren has done hers already ofc)


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Facebook: Wonderfully Done

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Lots of love,
Lauren and Vix