Woah there, it’s the first Wonderfully Done episode of 2021!


The topics we cover in this episode includes:

Showing appreciation for fat bodies without being a creepy-creep

Discussing the ‘curvy wife guy’ internet moment
Shame around appearance preferences
Feelings around dating and sexuality as a fat woman
Expressing desire respectfully

How to approach a pal with a friends-with-benefits proposal (without being decimated from embarrassment!)


Creators mentioned in this episode:


Podcast Episode Recommendation:

 Are we allowed to have sex in space? Feat. Dr Shawna Pandya, Yvette Gonzalez and Dr Alex Layendecker

TW: Sexual Assault approx after the 20 minute mark
Episode of The Future of Sex Podcast interviewing three experts in space travel and sexuality
Discussed lots of topics like:None of the space agencies out there are sharing data or research on sex or masturbation!
What effects would space have on bodies, fluids and the mechanics of actually having sex?

Listen to this episode on Spotify here


Toy Recommendation:
Lelo Sona 2

Clit sucking toy, can also be used on nipples, or you know, EXPLORE ;)
Has a really neat range of sucking patterns
Step up from the Satisfyer Pro 2
Be warned, some of the patterns are pretty intense!

Show Recommendation:
The Untamed

Homoromantic Chinese fantasy drama on Netflix
Warring family clans, centering around two men who have a great obsession and fascination with each other
Excessively pretty men and gorgeous interiors!
Reminds Lauren that context sets the intensity - she’ll read really explicit fanfic, but then watching this where everything is really understated, just the smallest stuff is like GASP!
A relaxing, visually pleasing and slow watch