In this heartfelt podcast episode, host Stephanie sits down with her mom (Connie Ryan) for a candid and inspiring conversation. They dive into Stephanie's upbringing, her transformation over the years, and the valuable life lessons her mom has imparted. With a focus on parenting, work-life balance, self-care, and navigating challenges, they share advice and insights for listeners facing similar experiences. From raising strong-willed children to dealing with chronic illness and supporting others, Stephanie's mom offers wisdom and guidance. The episode concludes with a rapid-fire round, where they explore breaking rules, inspirational women, favorite podcasts, and impactful books. Tune in to this touching episode for a heartfelt conversation and valuable life lessons from a remarkable mother.

More about Connie:

Connie Ryan, a dedicated small business owner and mother, has built a successful salon while raising two children and overcoming personal challenges with unwavering strength. Her inspiring journey encompasses managing a business from home, navigating chronic medical issues, and coping with the loss of her own mother at a young age. With nearly 50 years of marriage under her belt, Connie's life is a testament to resilience and wisdom. 

Podcast recommendation(s):


Book recommendation(s):

Anything by Joyce Meyer 

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