After falling off the radar for week, Gina reveals she had participated in a mastermind retreat. This leads into today’s topic and all the knowledge and energy that she brings back to share with you.

The core of the mastermind focused on mindset, systems, and self-care, and how without these in proper alignment in our lives, it can lead to burnout. Gina and Susanna talk about the four different kinds of burnout, how they can manifest themselves in your feeling and behavior towards your work, and how they alter your behavior outside of work.

Gina talks about how it’s so beneficial to be around people that are similar to you and understand you, and to be energized by their ideas. They discuss the importance of setting boundaries to avoid burnout, and how sticking to those boundaries makes people respect you more. The conversation turns to time management and work-life balance, and how the management of time is the best way to work less, make more, and actually have a personal life.

Listen to the end to hear Gina share her three big takeaways from her Mastermind retreat for you to learn from.


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More about Gina

Engagement Expert – Speaker – Sales Trainer – Entrepreneur – Improv Comic

Gina is a Master Sales Trainer for Jeb Blount’s Sales Gravy who combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition. 

“Sass without too much crass” is how Gina Trimarco describes herself. A high energy entrepreneur, engager, speaker, trainer, improv comedienne and podcast producer, Gina credits most of her success on her upbringing by her Italian mobster dad and German immigrant mother.

Prior to joining Sales Gravy, Gina founded and operated Carolina Improv Company, an improv comedy school and theater, in addition to Pivot10 Results, a sales training company. Thanks to this podcast, Gina was able to “stalk” her business role model Jeb Blount and convince him to hire her … and sponsor this podcast!

More About Susanna

After graduating from Cambridge University in Music and Education, Susanna took her first sales role selling advertising space on websites.

She’s always been intrigued by the unfair negative stigma associated with sales and the way that after their initial excitement to work in sales, people will do everything they can to avoid actual prospecting.

With 14 years of experience in recruitment, Susanna challenges this mindset through her successful business sourcing sales professionals into recruitment roles.

Susanna decided to become a Sales Gravy Master Trainer because Sales Gravy’s vision matches her own beliefs and values.

She is committed to providing excellence and dedication to all of her trainees so that they can achieve their goals and succeed in sales.