Sometimes when we find ourselves not fitting into the environment or industry we are trying belong to, is the precise time that we break the mold and inject new and fresh ideas into the existing system. This is what happened when today’s guest, Natalie Tincher, Style Strategist and Founder of BU Style, went from a small town in Indiana to New York City to break into the fashion world. She explains what happened next and how not falling in line changed her entire trajectory.

She and Gina cover a wide range of topics including discovering your style personality, dressing to project an image to certain audiences, how your style is a powerful marketing tool and even extending to your business’ brand, as it helps to evoke aspirational feelings and intrigue.

Natalie goes into detail on starting her business as a 26-year-old with no experience in selling, pricing, or retention. After steadily gaining successes, she shares the move she made that changed everything and elevated her to a different level. She shares how her company continues to evolve around marketing, SEO, her podcast, creating funnels, different revenue streams, and breaking out into new areas like business clients and speaking engagements.  

Find more about Natalie and BU Style

Listen to the Wear Who You Are Podcast

Level up with Sales Gravy & Sales Gravy University

More about Gina

Engagement Expert – Speaker – Sales Trainer – Entrepreneur – Improv Comic

Gina is a Master Sales Trainer for Jeb Blount’s Sales Gravy who combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition. 

“Sass without too much crass” is how Gina Trimarco describes herself. A high energy entrepreneur, engager, speaker, trainer, improv comedienne and podcast producer, Gina credits most of her success on her upbringing by her Italian mobster dad and German immigrant mother.

Prior to joining Sales Gravy, Gina founded and operated Carolina Improv Company, an improv comedy school and theater, in addition to Pivot10 Results, a sales training company. Thanks to this podcast, Gina was able to “stalk” her business role model Jeb Blount and convince him to hire her … and sponsor this podcast!