As we celebrate Holy Week, let’s remember together with joy the provision of our Good Shepherd, who voluntarily sacrificed His life on earth simply out of love for us. (John 10:11-21)


Welcome to Walking in the Word, the biblical teaching arm of the Women World Leaders podcast. My name is Julie Jenkins and I am so glad you have joined us today as we delve into scripture together.

As I record this, it is Holy Week – the week that Christians all over the world intentionally remember, commemorate, and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All that we are, our lives, and our futures are owed to God’s amazing grace and the events we celebrate this week. As I grow, definitely older and hopefully wiser, I become more in awe of Jesus’ death and resurrection and all that they mean for us. I pray that you intentionally take the opportunity this week to reflect on where you are in your walk with Jesus. I pray that you ask Him what He wants you to learn today. I say “today,” because, in this life, it is simply impossible for us to learn and know everything about God. But when we ask Him to show us what He wants us to learn today, we can trust that He will guide us – and give us the nuggets of wisdom that we need to live a productive and joyful life for Him.

Because you are listening to this podcast, it is clear that you are listening to God. You are willingly working to grow in Him and follow Him obediently. And I want to share a feeling I have deep in my heart that He wants you to know right now: your efforts are making your God smile. He knows your days are not always easy. He knows it isn’t always convenient for you to still your thoughts and focus on Him. He sees you. He loves you. And He is cheering you on.

So even as you reflect this week on Jesus, know that you are in the forefront of HIS mind at EVERY moment!

You don’t have to take my word for it…because He tells us this Himself in the Bible.

Today’s teaching comes from John, chapter 10, verses 11-21. As we study together, I know you will get a deeper understanding of what it means to be a sheep under the care of THE good Shepherd. Before we dive in, let’s pray…

Dear Most Holy God, thank you doesn’t ever seem enough, but it especially doesn’t seem enough during this – the holiest of weeks. We offer you full reign over our spirits as we take time out to intentionally hear from you as we open your Word. Open our minds and hearts so that we may fully understand what you want us to know today. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Last week as we studied together, Jesus declared Himself the gate. This was in reference to the then widely understood care of sheep. The person who acted as a gate in the sheepfold was fully in charge of allowing only the sheep’s caretakers in and keeping the thieves and robbers out. We learned that Jesus, our gate, is our protector, always keeping watch over us. Jesus stands alert, ready to keep intruders from our lives. Our responsibility is to always turn to Him as our authoritative source. This teaching came on the heels of the Pharisees throwing the man Jesus had healed, the one who had been blind from birth, out of the temple for boldly speaking the truth about the man Jesus, who healed him, and declaring that Jesus must be from God because no one else could miraculously heal as He had.

In today’s teaching, we learn more about Jesus as He shares that not only is He the gate, but He is also THE Good Shepherd.

Let’s begin in John 10:11 from the New Living Translation:

 11 “I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep. 12 A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will abandon the sheep because they don’t belong to him and he isn’t their Shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. 13 The hired hand runs away because he’s working only for the money and doesn’t really care about the sheep.

Jesus is the good Shepherd. The fact that He declares Himself THE Good Shepherd and not A Good Shepherd underscores that He is uniquely qualified and capable. There are no other shepherds like Him.

And as He declares himself the GOOD Shephered…let’s see what He means by using the word “good.”

Of course, Jesus IS morally good…we know He never sinned. But good means so much more than that – it means that Jesus is the beautiful Shepherd; He possesses all we can imagine that is right for the job of protecting and caring for the sheep - He is loving, attentive, smart, powerful, and gracious. He is THE GOOD Shepherd, unlike any we have ever known or will ever know.  

Jesus contrasts Himself to a hired hand, who runs when he sees a wolf coming, abandoning the sheep as he looks out for himself. Can you relate?

As Christians, we are all shepherds of someone – we all have sheep to lead. We may have children, lead ministries, or have others who look up to us in our personal life, on social media, or in our workplaces. Think about who you have been called to shepherd.

Now…think about HOW you shepherd them. Are you willing to put YOUR life on the line for those you lead? I often hear people bail on their responsibilities, saying something like, “I don’t get paid enough to do that.” Or, “When push comes to shove, I need to look out for number one.”

I’m not here to cast judgment; if I were, I would be pointing the finger at myself. But when we think about it – who in their right mind gives up EVERYTHING for the good of someone else?

And, let’s be clear, that OUR Shepherd, THE GOOD SHEPHERD, not only sacrifices for those who are sweet and kind and productive, but He sacrifices everything for ALL of us…no matter our demeanor, our sin, or our nasty attitude. Jesus, your Good Shepherd, counts you worth His while to give up everything.

Yes…that makes Him unique.

And that should humble and awe us.

Jesus continues, saying not only will He ALWAYS be there to lead, guide, and protect us, but He always do this while FULLY RECOGNIZING who we are – faults and all…Verse 14…

14 “I am the good Shepherd; I know my own sheep,

Jesus KNOWS you! And, yet, Jesus LOVES you!

Intellectually, we understand the concept of unconditional love. But I don’t think there is a human alive who can fully comprehend the depths of unconditional love. I love my husband and my kids, but there are days…okay…I won’t go there. Suffice it to say, I am not spiritually mature enough to fully harness the power of love that God has gifted me. But I try every day. I confess every day. And I THANK God EVERY DAY that despite MY faults and intentional sin, He still hasn’t given up on me. And He never will. He IS MY Good Shepherd.

Jesus continues, and this next line gives me hope…

I know my own sheep, and they know me, 

Jesus tells me that the longer I trust Him, hang around Him, and yield to Him…I will learn to know Him better! Praise God!

Have you ever met someone you just really want to be like? My daughter is a fashionista. She dresses to the nines on a strict budget – I want to be like her. And do you know what? When I hang around her, I up my game. Kimberly Hobbs is one of the most gracious and loving people I know. And because I work with her day in and day out, I have learned to be more gracious and loving. When we spend time with others, we become more like them.

And when we hang around with Jesus – THE GOOD Shepherd – we WILL come to know Him more and we will up our game – becoming more like Him.

And if you thought THAT takeaway was thrilling…just listen to this next one…Jesus says…

I know my own sheep, and they know me, 15 just as my Father knows me and I know the Father.

Believer…Jesus knows you and promises that you will know Him JUST AS He knows God and God knows Him.

Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit – are three peas in a pod! They are BFF’s forever…and Jesus, seemingly nonchalantly, invites us to their party. Does that not blow you away??

AND…not only does Jesus invite you to His party…as the Good Shepherd…He will give HIS LIFE so that you can come!! …verse 15

So I sacrifice my life for the sheep.

NOBODY made Jesus die. Yes, He was killed, but He could’ve jumped down from that cross at any moment. Jesus CHOSE to GIVE His life…as our Good Shepherd…so that we could be freed from the thieves and robbers – so that we can leave behind all the turmoil that sin causes us in our lives…so that we can strip off our dirty old clothes and put on robes of righteousness and enter into the greatest party ever – the one that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are hosting!

And even though YOU will be the honored guest…you will REJOICE that ALL of the SHEEP that the Good Shepherd has called and who have responded…will ALSO be honored guests.

Jesus says…

 16 I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one Shepherd.

Our good Shepherd – Jesus Christ – is gathering His sheep. He was as Jesus spoke these words in real time and He continues to today. He began with His sheep of Israel – His chosen nation. But then He proclaimed that there is only one flock – and He is the ONE, true Shepherd. There are indeed other sheep. Sheep who look different than us but have the same Shepherd we do. And if Jesus loves those sheep enough to die for THEM, is it too much to ask that we love them enough to work with them in unity?

Let’s reflect together on Jesus’ next words…

17 “The Father loves me because I sacrifice my life so I may take it back again. 18 No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded.”

THAT is what we remember this Holy Week! Our Good Shepherd has offered us freedom by choosing to lay down His life. He alone has the authority and power to lay down His life and to take it back up again.

Jesus CHOSE to die for you and me. He CHOSE to endure the pain and suffering so that we could be relieved of the eternal pain and suffering we are owed. Jesus was not a martyr, He died a death of substitution, so we wouldn’t have to. We truly have a reason to celebrate and to fall on our knees in awe and thanks to our Good Shepherd.

As you walk through this week, will you remember Jesus’ sacrifice? Will you quiet your soul and block out the noise around you to listen to His voice? Will you strive to learn more about who He is? Will you strive to become more LIKE Him? Verse 19…

19 When he said these things, the people[a] were again divided in their opinions about him. 20 Some said, “He’s demon possessed and out of his mind. Why listen to a man like that?” 21 Others said, “This doesn’t sound like a man possessed by a demon! Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”

Let’s pray…

Most Holy God…most loving Jesus…you alone can open the eyes of the blind. Yet you alone can do so much more. Thank you for opening our eyes just a little wider today. Thank you for allowing us to see a little more of your heart. God, we know that if we saw the whole scope of who you are, we would be struck dumb…we simply couldn’t handle the glory! But despite the vast expanse between your glory and our dirty rags, you love us. Thank you for making a way for us where no other way was possible. Thank you for inviting us into your kingdom, to celebrate at YOUR party. Thank you for allowing us to know you so personally. We love you and we commit ourselves to growing more in your likeness every day. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.