Filled with shame and guilt from a past, Angela Ball from Hearts For Moms shares her story of God's forgiveness and how she found hope through "healing" in Jesus Christ.    Angela is now the Founder/ CEO of Hearts For Moms, an organization formed to help single mothers to follow after God, get on their feet and walk in their God-given purpose.    ****

Kimberly Hobbs  
Welcome to Empowering Lives with Purpose. And I'm your host, Kimberly Hobbs. I'm the founder of Women World Leaders. We are so grateful that you joined us today. We have prayed for you. And we are excited for our guest today. Angela Ball from hearts for moms. Please help me welcome Angela. Angela. Welcome.

Angela Ball  
Thank you. Thank you, Kimberly, so excited to be here with you, um, with all of the ladies out there that support this amazing, amazing organization.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Oh, thank you. And you're gonna hear about Angela's amazing ministry as well. It's so beautiful, called Hearts for moms. And today we are going to talk about healing, turning your pain into his purpose. And I love Angela's story, and it's going to touch your hearts. So before we start, I always love to share scripture and God gives me different scriptures to share. And today, the Scripture has come and listen to my counsel. I'll share my heart with you and make you wise, Proverbs 123. Isn't it amazing how the God of the universe wants to talk to us and communicate with us and allow us to hear amazing things through His scriptures. He wants to make us wise and who doesn't want God's knowledge, right? There's the the wisdom of the world, but we want God's wisdom poured into our lives. And ladies, God is working in you giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. That Philippians 213. So please just hold on to that today as you listen to Angela share her story and what God has put on her heart and want to share a little bit about her today before we begin. And Angela, replacing fear, trauma and insecurity with love, grace and the mercy of God is what Angela ball has called has been called to do in her life work. She's a native of Columbia, South America, and emigrated on her own to the United States at age 15. While still in high school. That's amazing in itself, Angela. She lived with friends of her parents in North Palm Beach, Florida, where she eventually met her amazing husband of 27 years Ray and they now have a 19 year old son Ashton loves basketball. He's a major heat fan and has an entrepreneurial spirit. Angela's story of abortion turned her pain into purpose, inspiring her to support single moms as they showed bravery and courage that she did not have when she aborted her baby. Being new to the nonprofit world. Angela needed to be obedient to the call and founded hearts for moms in West Palm Beach, Florida. And she now serves there as executive director. She's passionate about sharing day to day challenges that single moms face. Angela attended Christ fellowship leadership college to grow her leadership skills, and hearts for moms mission is to provide resources and enrich the lives of single moms in need. Helping moms become whole, rebuild their future and restore their lives. So Angela encourages all of us to live out our faith and give single moms hope and show them love. That is important. The love of Jesus right? So Angela, your story right now is going to be about your abortion journey and how God turned your pain through all that into his purpose. And it's just that story of how God led you to do for him. What he's called you to do caring for single moms. So can you share with us your story and how you stepped out of shame and guilt from a past horrific experience?

Angela Ball  
Absolutely. Thank you, Kimberly. Well, you know, I just wish that at age 19 I knew then what I know now. Like I I like to say I was the perfect CEO Christmas Easter only I will attend the church. I will know of God. Better yet of Christ. But I really didn't have a deep relationship with him. So I didn't really know what I didn't know. And we came at a crossroads where my now husband, we had to make that decision and not until you know after living and caring that for so many years knowing that it was not the right decision. At the end of the day. You continue to care I read that and I knew that there was there was healing that needed to take place. But truly until I gave my life to Christ, Kimberly was when my whole life was turned upside down. priorities were a completely 360, I really was so thirsty for his word. And I got to know him in a deep, deep relational level that I had never had before. And that was the beginning of my healing. That's when all of this aha moments continued to overcome me, and how he continued to point me to His Word. And to know that I was so loved even during that decision. It was it was a choice, because obviously, back then I was, you know, pro choice, and just getting to know how we are wonderfully, beautifully made, and created on his image, and how that beautiful baby that was unborn. He's still with him. And then, you know, I needed there was a book, it was an amazing book that I highly recommend to many, which was heaviness for real. And when I read the book, when I saw the movie, that was such an incredible moment for me, because I knew at that time, that I needed to name our unborn child, and it is in our hearts. That is, his name is Jonathan. And it is so beautiful to know that one day, we'll be reunited with them. So he is very much present, and we're thankful to God, but he was able to forgive me, forgive us, because really was a decision that it was between my husband and I, that we have been forgiven, that we have been healed, and that he truly took that mess and turn it into such a powerful message. Yes, because again, what he uses every single part of us so that we can go ahead and do what we need to do. So we can build His kingdom, we can give Him glory, we can continue to tell our story. So that again, other woman, like myself, will be able to just come to a place of, of healing of just not continue to carry that regret, that shame, that guilt that I carried for so many years. So, you know, it's amazing how the Word of God is so transformational. I meet with people. Listen, I used to be off the world Kimberley, and some people may not understand that. But that's really when you don't have that closeness with our Lord and Savior. And when you know that all sudden, you're being like, completely transformed. And I can relate to to everyone, because I used to be there. I used to be in that place. And so when even people asked me nowadays that why was I led to create a nonprofit that is very much Christ center, is because we know the power of his transformation in our lives. And I couldn't have it any other way. So we're glad that again, he was able to use me and that we're able to surrender and just walk in His perfect will. So yeah,

Kimberly Hobbs  
That is so beautiful, Angela, and, and wow, you know, I just the it gave me goosebumps when you said how you actually named Jonathan. And I heard that just recently, one time before that somebody had named their aborted child. And it brought that closure because they were able to pray, you know that all all of it, you know, and know that that child is in heaven right now, you know, no matter what, but just pray and refer to that baby human life with a name. Oh, my goodness, that's so powerful.

Angela Ball  
Absolutely. And I had a couple of miscarriages to following after Ashton spurs, Kimberly. So we believe that David and Ashley is also waiting for us. So we have various bombs. So we only have so Ashton is the only child that the Lord has blessed us with. But obviously we have several children. Amen. Yeah.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen. Amen. And what a homecoming that's going to be right when we get to heaven and get to meet them and know that they just in in but also what God is doing right now here on Earth in your life, because of what the pain you went through with that and they're going to rejoice in that as well. That there was purpose In this pain, and I'm certain they're going to just be so overjoyed when you get to heaven and know all the all the lives that were impacted because of that turn and that, that repentance to the Lord and Him carrying the rest. It's just so beautiful read. Oh my goodness, so. So in what capacity now? Are you involved in ministry? Because we know that God has brought healing to your life through accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior reading the scriptures, transformation of your life. I mean, all of it. So can you talk about that for a little bit about her mom's and just that the way you're involved in ministry now?

Angela Ball  
Well, and so as my healing began, I wanted to serve more, I wanted to do something at some capacity, Kimberly, but I never realized that it was going to be to this capacity, because again, I would have been like the Jonah just running away from the Lord. Because if he were to show me the whole plan, and also realizing that so many of the moms young moms, have been so brave in choosing life, despite all of their challenges and circumstances not having financial support, not having their partner beside them not having all of the family right next to them education. And I realized that they they are just so much braver than I ever was at age 19. So for that reason, the Lord was really pulling on my heartstrings to be able to become more of the voice and the support. And that's how everything got started as I started serving with other nonprofit organizations. I've been doing this for over 12 years. Wow, I just had to surrender. I just wanted to do something. And this little something as unequipped as I felt on even starting a nonprofit organization, Kimberly, that's where the Lord gets all of the glory, because I didn't know that I was going to be able to do something, as as much as what we are doing right now. And it's, you know, the chapter has not closed on that. There's many, many chapters to come. But we're so glad that we're able to serve the single moms in our community in so many capacities. So yeah, that's we wanted to be a part of that, that voice because they need our support. And we're glad that this is part of the of the calling that

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen, look what God has done with your Yes, with your surrendered obedient heart, being led to what he was calling you to do, and just, I am blown away and then how long you've been doing it already is so exciting. So but you, oh Lord are a shield around me. You are my glory, the one who holds my head high. victory comes from you, oh, Lord, that Psalm 313 and eight and you know what, it's just you read through Jesus the shame, the guilt that was binding you to be free and Christ to hold your head high. Like he just said in that Scripture. And victory comes from you. Oh, Lord, like look at the victory through all of this. As you're listening, you know, something so beautiful was birthed through pain. And that healing that Angela had to deal with with the Lord and release into his into him. And in she did. So now. You can share what the impact is on the world because we know hearts for moms, is having tremendous impact on these women's and women's lives. Can you share like some of the stories that hearts for moms has made?

Angela Ball  
Absolutely. So Little did I know again, I've been married for over 27 years, Kimberly, and never been a single parents. Little did I know the challenges that single moms face on a daily basis. And the more I want it to serve, and the more I realized that there was such a need of support. And as we started serving, we also realized that we could not be an organization that was going to only attend to the need of one thing, whether it was just childcare that we're going to be able to help the moms with, or housing, one doesn't go without the other is a domino effect. If a mom doesn't have childcare available, she's not going to be able to go to work. She's not going to be able to go to school. If she doesn't have housing, everything falls apart. If she doesn't have education, she's not going to be able to grow and really become self sustainable. If she doesn't have transportation. She's not going to be able to do anything. She's going to be captive. have been home, or possibly use the public system that is not really available in our area. Our area is very different from that of New York, or possibly even Washington, DC. Public transportation lacks in our community. So we knew that we had to attend to all this needs. And as we're doing that, we see how the moms truly are being transformed. Because again, we have created a community for them, which is so important. That is, that was one of the number one needs that they wanted was somebody to be able to lean someone that they will be able to get guidance from, be able to learn and be empowered by other moms. So as we were doing it, we noticed one particular story that I share often is our young lady lovely. When she came to us, she was holding two full time jobs, she was scared to death to even think about the possibility of going back to school. And our winning sauce that it's been for for the ministry is that we were able to tell her that we were able to subsidize the cost of housing, then we were able to stabilize her right. But she was able to take some of those working hours and putting into her education side. Well, to this day, lovely have been able to graduate with her as she continues to move forward with her bachelor's degree, working towards her registered nurse degree, which you will graduate in about a year. This is a young lady that was scared to death, she had to borrow our faith in order for her to be able to really see beyond her circumstances. And she just had to take one class. And suddenly she started taking five classes, or four classes, she made it into the President's list, she is doing amazing, she continues to work because she has to that's the reality. But she doesn't have to kill herself doing it now she's able to really focus on doing something else is going to really break the cycle of poverty, and be able to really become independent and self sustainable, and provide the kind of life the abundant life that God has for her and her son. So that's one of the stories that we're able to share as well as another one from this young lady actually is a workforce mom, I leave because we serve moms also that are between 30 and 40. And Eileen was able to eliminate over $9,000 in debt. And that's simply because we're very intentional on financial literacy, we're able to pair them with their financial coaches, the moms have to be fully transparent by giving financial statements and budgeting. So that again, we're gonna create plans, so that they can meet those goals. And so if it's credit card debt, that they have to eliminate, increasing their credit score, whatever it is that they're going to be able to do. But this mom in particular, for eight years, she had tried to eliminate that debt, and she was not able to do it on her own. And I love what Dr. Maxwell says he says that the journey to success can then be traveled alone. And so that's is that is our focus, making sure that the moms are not walking this journey along and alone. And as we see when we bring the right support system, when they gain the knowledge when they have the discipline where they continue to grow and develop. These are the kind of things that happen as well as see them growing in Christ, because we are very Christ center. And the moms don't have to be Christians to be part of the program. But they do know that Christ is our CEO. He is in every single part of our conversation. So what we see come just happening with them. They're encouraging each other they're sending Bible verses prayers devotionals it's a beautiful community that has been built amongst them so

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen. This is a system that works because God is in it. He is at the helm leading the way and you have given him permission to be CEO. It's so beautiful. The calling on your life has been surrendered to God and look what he's doing through this like life changing impacts that isn't being made on the world or I'm just so grateful. So yes, ladies, the goodness of God brings healing on your life and others lives what that are touched with you just you need to embrace that healing that God has just for you. Because your story may be different than Angela's but it's okay because all of us have different stories but It are God wants to heal you wherever you are and bring you to, to do what he's called you and created you to do, which is his his goodness to be seen in and through your life. Let all that I am praise the Lord may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. he redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's at Psalms 1032 to five. Oh my goodness, the word of God just fuels our hearts, doesn't it? Angela? Like I know, it feels you I know it feels to me. I pray ladies listening that this feels you because He is our God of healing. He restores, he takes our pain and turns it into his beautiful purpose. And I'm just thrilled that I can share with a sister who's also in ministry, who also knows what it takes, you know, to just surrender your life to God and live for him. And things happen. Good things, you are going to be renewed on eagle's wings. Ladies, let me tell you. So Angela, can you speak to the woman who needs right now release from her own pain, so that she can move beyond her own guilt and shame that may be holding her down into that beautiful purpose just like he's done for you, just like he's done for me talk about that talk right into her heart. The one thing that I will encourage for a woman in my situation, is to be able to just surround yourself with amazing sisters in Christ, that you're able to start sharing that part of your story. When I started sharing Kimberly, that's when my be my healing began. And it's amazing how many other woman have gone through this similar circumstances. But we gotta be released from that. And, and coming to the Lord and asking for forgiveness. He, like he is that kind of God. He wants you to continue to walk in freedom. And then when we start doing that, little by little, the Lord started releasing me more and more about sharing my story. Because it's not something easy to just simply verbalize. You can just never know how other people are going to react. But my story is my story. And nobody can take away from it. But if somebody can gain from it, and be able to be brought to that place where the Lord wants them to be, then that's a win win. If it just touches one person, then I just know what it did to my life. And how that one single moment that I was literally on my knees.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Yes. Yes. 

Angela Ball  
Just crying out to Him to be forgiven. Yes. That was the beginning of what I would have never thought that he will do something greater that I could even ask or imagine this if I was a stay at home mom, I had life all figured out. I had no need to necessarily go out and start working. But I just love when we truly come to the place of just being totally all in for God. Amen. And when he just turned it all around, and he brought me to now where I am today. The joy from that one moment of surrender and allowing myself to forgive myself. Yes, that's where everything changed for me. And I am so thankful because the blessings that have come from being able to serve our Lord, to be able to be amongst this beautiful woman and families and volunteers and supporters. It is a family like no other. I tell everybody the one of the biggest blessings that I personally have been given is being able to do ministry with so many people, my sisters and my brothers and race are just priceless. And to be able to just really lean on each other. So number one is really just just entering to prayer, start sharing your story. And then truly allow the Lord to heal you. Because you just never know where he's going to lead you in is awesome. Yeah, just awesome.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Amen sister Amen and just hearing your heart overjoyed as she you pour into the others, Angela and I just in your tears, I mean, your tears, say it all the genuine heart that you have of what God has done in your life is is is just, we see it, we feel it, you know, I pray the listener is grasping the beauty. It reminds me of the song, something beautiful, something good. All my confusion, he understood. And just as you were explaining that, you you had to just give it to him, lay it at the foot of the cross. And He understood it all. And he forgave you. And now the freedom that you are experiencing in Jesus and impact on lives that this calling has done has is just, there's no price tag on it. You know, you do it for him, and his glory. And I just, I'm proud to serve with you. As a sister in ministry, I am thankful to now be able to call you friend Angela, we have had some times together that I won't ever forget. This woman is just beautiful. There's another scripture and all of you who listen, no, I love to share scripture, you can never get enough but He lifted me out of the pit of despair. out of the mud in the mire, he set my feet on solid ground and steadily studied me as I walked along that Psalm 40 Verse two, and Angela knew that she couldn't do this on her own. And God steadied her feet as she surrendered her life to him and he did it. He did it. Ladies, he will do that through you. Just surrender your heart to him. Give him your all. Tell him you can't do this on your own. Ask for forgiveness for whatever it is that's binding you up and holding you prisoner to serving Him because He wants all of you. And he's going to help you all the way through ladies and what what is being held back from that beautiful testimony that you are and like Angela said, share your story, right share it. The world needs to hear this god story that is in you. And we do give you that ability at women, world leaders just to share your God's story with the world we have so many opportunities. We're all in the same boat, we are sinners, but we're saved by God's grace, there is no shame and guilt once you're saved, it's like jump in with your story and share it because others just like you may be identifying with Angela and, and the pain she went through. We all have different stories and it might help somebody else to identify with your story. And there can be impact on the world. So ladies pray about that. And we just encourage you one of the ways you can get involved is through our magazine voice of truth. And we love this magazine because it is going out to the world to bless women wherever they are. You can read it digitally for free on women world Every edition passed is available through our website. And then also every edition that comes out you can have the opportunity to actually hold it in your hands if you want a copy of voice of truth. And the way that you get that is just become a monthly contributor to women world leaders of any amount. All we don't say but we'll send you our voice of truth every edition that it comes out. And it's amazing ladies jam packed with ability to Scripture to change your life and impact your life stories that you can relate to just one of the things we do at women world leaders and we want to hear from you. So please just reach us You can reach me personally Kimberly at women world And I also love to give opportunity to our guests for how they can be reached if if Angela and her sharing has impacted you or you know of a way that somehow you can help this ministry hearts for moms. It's huge. God is doing big things within this ministry Angela, how can they reach you?

Angela Ball  
Thank you so they can go to our website at hearts for We also have Social media through Facebook and Instagram, at heart hearts for moms, and LinkedIn as well. So those are some of the ways that they can reach us. We also, I would like to add a little something, Kimberly, because I've seen the beautiful product that you always give on a quarterly basis with your magazines. And the stories are so empowering. And I want to truly, truly be able to say that without your stories without that magazine, we, the testimonies is really what continues to build us up, right is what's continued to speak to us. So I encourage your listeners to see the value of this. And I'm going to say that it's a $20 a month value, that means that it needs to be, I will sign up today, I will become one of your monthly contributors. And I encourage others to do the same. Because again, this is too valuable to miss. So the quality of your work is amazing. Your heart is incredible. And I just want to be able to pass it along and share it as much as we can. Because again, we all need to link arms together. You know, ministry is hard nonprofits to be able to raise funds, it's hard, but in order for any nonprofit to become self sustainable, is through the monthly giving. So let's make a great impact on to woman world leaders by becoming monthly givers.

Kimberly Hobbs  
Angela, like, like I'm teary eyed because Thank you. Thank you. Wow, while again, God is moving. He's moving mightily in the hearts of ministries. And we just need to open our eyes to what's around us and what tools and what ability God gives us through some of these ministries. And ladies, I don't know if God stirring in your heart even for ministry might be a big thing to grasp right now. But even partnering with Ministries is huge. And God will bless that He'll bless your giving. He'll bless you're getting involved, whatever way you can serve, serve him serve him wholeheartedly. And it's been a pleasure, Angela, thank you from my heart for just who you are in Jesus and again for your willing heart to come on and just share your story with our ladies and in our listeners. God bless you and it is honor. Thank you as we close it out. I always say from his heart to yours. We are women, world leaders and hearts for moms. And all copy all content is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed written consent. Please have a beautiful and blessed day and Jesus God bless you

Filled with shame and guilt from a past, Angela Ball from Hearts For Moms shares her story of God's forgiveness and how she found hope through "healing" in Jesus Christ.    Angela is now the Founder/ CEO of Hearts For Moms, an organization formed to help single mothers to follow after God, get on their feet and walk in their God-given purpose.    ****

Kimberly Hobbs   Welcome to Empowering Lives with Purpose. And I'm your host, Kimberly Hobbs. I'm the founder of Women World Leaders. We are so grateful that you joined us today. We have prayed for you. And we are excited for our guest today. Angela Ball from hearts for moms. Please help me welcome Angela. Angela. Welcome.

Angela Ball   Thank you. Thank you, Kimberly, so excited to be here with you, um, with all of the ladies out there that support this amazing, amazing organization.

Kimberly Hobbs   Oh, thank you. And you're gonna hear about Angela's amazing ministry as well. It's so beautiful, called Hearts for moms. And today we are going to talk about healing, turning your pain into his purpose. And I love Angela's story, and it's going to touch your hearts. So before we start, I always love to share scripture and God gives me different scriptures to share. And today, the Scripture has come and listen to my counsel. I'll share my heart with you and make you wise, Proverbs 123. Isn't it amazing how the God of the universe wants to talk to us and communicate with us and allow us to hear amazing things through His scriptures. He wants to make us wise and who doesn't want God's knowledge, right? There's the the wisdom of the world, but we want God's wisdom poured into our lives. And ladies, God is working in you giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. That Philippians 213. So please just hold on to that today as you listen to Angela share her story and what God has put on her heart and want to share a little bit about her today before we begin. And Angela, replacing fear, trauma and insecurity with love, grace and the mercy of God is what Angela ball has called has been called to do in her life work. She's a native of Columbia, South America, and emigrated on her own to the United States at age 15. While still in high school. That's amazing in itself, Angela. She lived with friends of her parents in North Palm Beach, Florida, where she eventually met her amazing husband of 27 years Ray and they now have a 19 year old son Ashton loves basketball. He's a major heat fan and has an entrepreneurial spirit. Angela's story of abortion turned her pain into purpose, inspiring her to support single moms as they showed bravery and courage that she did not have when she aborted her baby. Being new to the nonprofit world. Angela needed to be obedient to the call and founded hearts for moms in West Palm Beach, Florida. And she now serves there as executive director. She's passionate about sharing day to day challenges that single moms face. Angela attended Christ fellowship leadership college to grow her leadership skills, and hearts for moms mission is to provide resources and enrich the lives of single moms in need. Helping moms become whole, rebuild their future and restore their lives. So Angela encourages all of us to live out our faith and give single moms hope and show them love. That is important. The love of Jesus right? So Angela, your story right now is going to be about your abortion journey and how God turned your pain through all that into his purpose. And it's just that story of how God led you to do for him. What he's called you to do caring for single moms. So can you share with us your story and how you stepped out of shame and guilt from a past horrific experience?

Angela Ball   Absolutely. Thank you, Kimberly. Well, you know, I just wish that at age 19 I knew then what I know now. Like I I like to say I was the perfect CEO Christmas Easter only I will attend the church. I will know of God. Better yet of Christ. But I really didn't have a deep relationship with him. So I didn't really know what I didn't know. And we came at a crossroads where my now husband, we had to make that decision and not until you know after living and caring that for so many years knowing that it was not the right decision. At the end of the day. You continue to care I read that and I knew that there was there was healing that needed to take place. But truly until I gave my life to Christ, Kimberly was when my whole life was turned upside down. priorities were a completely 360, I really was so thirsty for his word. And I got to know him in a deep, deep relational level that I had never had before. And that was the beginning of my healing. That's when all of this aha moments continued to overcome me, and how he continued to point me to His Word. And to know that I was so loved even during that decision. It was it was a choice, because obviously, back then I was, you know, pro choice, and just getting to know how we are wonderfully, beautifully made, and created on his image, and how that beautiful baby that was unborn. He's still with him. And then, you know, I needed there was a book, it was an amazing book that I highly recommend to many, which was heaviness for real. And when I read the book, when I saw the movie, that was such an incredible moment for me, because I knew at that time, that I needed to name our unborn child, and it is in our hearts. That is, his name is Jonathan. And it is so beautiful to know that one day, we'll be reunited with them. So he is very much present, and we're thankful to God, but he was able to forgive me, forgive us, because really was a decision that it was between my husband and I, that we have been forgiven, that we have been healed, and that he truly took that mess and turn it into such a powerful message. Yes, because again, what he uses every single part of us so that we can go ahead and do what we need to do. So we can build His kingdom, we can give Him glory, we can continue to tell our story. So that again, other woman, like myself, will be able to just come to a place of, of healing of just not continue to carry that regret, that shame, that guilt that I carried for so many years. So, you know, it's amazing how the Word of God is so transformational. I meet with people. Listen, I used to be off the world Kimberley, and some people may not understand that. But that's really when you don't have that closeness with our Lord and Savior. And when you know that all sudden, you're being like, completely transformed. And I can relate to to everyone, because I used to be there. I used to be in that place. And so when even people asked me nowadays that why was I led to create a nonprofit that is very much Christ center, is because we know the power of his transformation in our lives. And I couldn't have it any other way. So we're glad that again, he was able to use me and that we're able to surrender and just walk in His perfect will. So yeah,

Kimberly Hobbs   That is so beautiful, Angela, and, and wow, you know, I just the it gave me goosebumps when you said how you actually named Jonathan. And I heard that just recently, one time before that somebody had named their aborted child. And it brought that closure because they were able to pray, you know that all all of it, you know, and know that that child is in heaven right now, you know, no matter what, but just pray and refer to that baby human life with a name. Oh, my goodness, that's so powerful.

Angela Ball   Absolutely. And I had a couple of miscarriages to following after Ashton spurs, Kimberly. So we believe that David and Ashley is also waiting for us. So we have various bombs. So we only have so Ashton is the only child that the Lord has blessed us with. But obviously we have several children. Amen. Yeah.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. Amen. And what a homecoming that's going to be right when we get to heaven and get to meet them and know that they just in in but also what God is doing right now here on Earth in your life, because of what the pain you went through with that and they're going to rejoice in that as well. That there was purpose In this pain, and I'm certain they're going to just be so overjoyed when you get to heaven and know all the all the lives that were impacted because of that turn and that, that repentance to the Lord and Him carrying the rest. It's just so beautiful read. Oh my goodness, so. So in what capacity now? Are you involved in ministry? Because we know that God has brought healing to your life through accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior reading the scriptures, transformation of your life. I mean, all of it. So can you talk about that for a little bit about her mom's and just that the way you're involved in ministry now?

Angela Ball   Well, and so as my healing began, I wanted to serve more, I wanted to do something at some capacity, Kimberly, but I never realized that it was going to be to this capacity, because again, I would have been like the Jonah just running away from the Lord. Because if he were to show me the whole plan, and also realizing that so many of the moms young moms, have been so brave in choosing life, despite all of their challenges and circumstances not having financial support, not having their partner beside them not having all of the family right next to them education. And I realized that they they are just so much braver than I ever was at age 19. So for that reason, the Lord was really pulling on my heartstrings to be able to become more of the voice and the support. And that's how everything got started as I started serving with other nonprofit organizations. I've been doing this for over 12 years. Wow, I just had to surrender. I just wanted to do something. And this little something as unequipped as I felt on even starting a nonprofit organization, Kimberly, that's where the Lord gets all of the glory, because I didn't know that I was going to be able to do something, as as much as what we are doing right now. And it's, you know, the chapter has not closed on that. There's many, many chapters to come. But we're so glad that we're able to serve the single moms in our community in so many capacities. So yeah, that's we wanted to be a part of that, that voice because they need our support. And we're glad that this is part of the of the calling that

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen, look what God has done with your Yes, with your surrendered obedient heart, being led to what he was calling you to do, and just, I am blown away and then how long you've been doing it already is so exciting. So but you, oh Lord are a shield around me. You are my glory, the one who holds my head high. victory comes from you, oh, Lord, that Psalm 313 and eight and you know what, it's just you read through Jesus the shame, the guilt that was binding you to be free and Christ to hold your head high. Like he just said in that Scripture. And victory comes from you. Oh, Lord, like look at the victory through all of this. As you're listening, you know, something so beautiful was birthed through pain. And that healing that Angela had to deal with with the Lord and release into his into him. And in she did. So now. You can share what the impact is on the world because we know hearts for moms, is having tremendous impact on these women's and women's lives. Can you share like some of the stories that hearts for moms has made?

Angela Ball   Absolutely. So Little did I know again, I've been married for over 27 years, Kimberly, and never been a single parents. Little did I know the challenges that single moms face on a daily basis. And the more I want it to serve, and the more I realized that there was such a need of support. And as we started serving, we also realized that we could not be an organization that was going to only attend to the need of one thing, whether it was just childcare that we're going to be able to help the moms with, or housing, one doesn't go without the other is a domino effect. If a mom doesn't have childcare available, she's not going to be able to go to work. She's not going to be able to go to school. If she doesn't have housing, everything falls apart. If she doesn't have education, she's not going to be able to grow and really become self sustainable. If she doesn't have transportation. She's not going to be able to do anything. She's going to be captive. have been home, or possibly use the public system that is not really available in our area. Our area is very different from that of New York, or possibly even Washington, DC. Public transportation lacks in our community. So we knew that we had to attend to all this needs. And as we're doing that, we see how the moms truly are being transformed. Because again, we have created a community for them, which is so important. That is, that was one of the number one needs that they wanted was somebody to be able to lean someone that they will be able to get guidance from, be able to learn and be empowered by other moms. So as we were doing it, we noticed one particular story that I share often is our young lady lovely. When she came to us, she was holding two full time jobs, she was scared to death to even think about the possibility of going back to school. And our winning sauce that it's been for for the ministry is that we were able to tell her that we were able to subsidize the cost of housing, then we were able to stabilize her right. But she was able to take some of those working hours and putting into her education side. Well, to this day, lovely have been able to graduate with her as she continues to move forward with her bachelor's degree, working towards her registered nurse degree, which you will graduate in about a year. This is a young lady that was scared to death, she had to borrow our faith in order for her to be able to really see beyond her circumstances. And she just had to take one class. And suddenly she started taking five classes, or four classes, she made it into the President's list, she is doing amazing, she continues to work because she has to that's the reality. But she doesn't have to kill herself doing it now she's able to really focus on doing something else is going to really break the cycle of poverty, and be able to really become independent and self sustainable, and provide the kind of life the abundant life that God has for her and her son. So that's one of the stories that we're able to share as well as another one from this young lady actually is a workforce mom, I leave because we serve moms also that are between 30 and 40. And Eileen was able to eliminate over $9,000 in debt. And that's simply because we're very intentional on financial literacy, we're able to pair them with their financial coaches, the moms have to be fully transparent by giving financial statements and budgeting. So that again, we're gonna create plans, so that they can meet those goals. And so if it's credit card debt, that they have to eliminate, increasing their credit score, whatever it is that they're going to be able to do. But this mom in particular, for eight years, she had tried to eliminate that debt, and she was not able to do it on her own. And I love what Dr. Maxwell says he says that the journey to success can then be traveled alone. And so that's is that is our focus, making sure that the moms are not walking this journey along and alone. And as we see when we bring the right support system, when they gain the knowledge when they have the discipline where they continue to grow and develop. These are the kind of things that happen as well as see them growing in Christ, because we are very Christ center. And the moms don't have to be Christians to be part of the program. But they do know that Christ is our CEO. He is in every single part of our conversation. So what we see come just happening with them. They're encouraging each other they're sending Bible verses prayers devotionals it's a beautiful community that has been built amongst them so

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. This is a system that works because God is in it. He is at the helm leading the way and you have given him permission to be CEO. It's so beautiful. The calling on your life has been surrendered to God and look what he's doing through this like life changing impacts that isn't being made on the world or I'm just so grateful. So yes, ladies, the goodness of God brings healing on your life and others lives what that are touched with you just you need to embrace that healing that God has just for you. Because your story may be different than Angela's but it's okay because all of us have different stories but It are God wants to heal you wherever you are and bring you to, to do what he's called you and created you to do, which is his his goodness to be seen in and through your life. Let all that I am praise the Lord may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. he redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's at Psalms 1032 to five. Oh my goodness, the word of God just fuels our hearts, doesn't it? Angela? Like I know, it feels you I know it feels to me. I pray ladies listening that this feels you because He is our God of healing. He restores, he takes our pain and turns it into his beautiful purpose. And I'm just thrilled that I can share with a sister who's also in ministry, who also knows what it takes, you know, to just surrender your life to God and live for him. And things happen. Good things, you are going to be renewed on eagle's wings. Ladies, let me tell you. So Angela, can you speak to the woman who needs right now release from her own pain, so that she can move beyond her own guilt and shame that may be holding her down into that beautiful purpose just like he's done for you, just like he's done for me talk about that talk right into her heart. The one thing that I will encourage for a woman in my situation, is to be able to just surround yourself with amazing sisters in Christ, that you're able to start sharing that part of your story. When I started sharing Kimberly, that's when my be my healing began. And it's amazing how many other woman have gone through this similar circumstances. But we gotta be released from that. And, and coming to the Lord and asking for forgiveness. He, like he is that kind of God. He wants you to continue to walk in freedom. And then when we start doing that, little by little, the Lord started releasing me more and more about sharing my story. Because it's not something easy to just simply verbalize. You can just never know how other people are going to react. But my story is my story. And nobody can take away from it. But if somebody can gain from it, and be able to be brought to that place where the Lord wants them to be, then that's a win win. If it just touches one person, then I just know what it did to my life. And how that one single moment that I was literally on my knees.

Kimberly Hobbs   Yes. Yes. 

Angela Ball   Just crying out to Him to be forgiven. Yes. That was the beginning of what I would have never thought that he will do something greater that I could even ask or imagine this if I was a stay at home mom, I had life all figured out. I had no need to necessarily go out and start working. But I just love when we truly come to the place of just being totally all in for God. Amen. And when he just turned it all around, and he brought me to now where I am today. The joy from that one moment of surrender and allowing myself to forgive myself. Yes, that's where everything changed for me. And I am so thankful because the blessings that have come from being able to serve our Lord, to be able to be amongst this beautiful woman and families and volunteers and supporters. It is a family like no other. I tell everybody the one of the biggest blessings that I personally have been given is being able to do ministry with so many people, my sisters and my brothers and race are just priceless. And to be able to just really lean on each other. So number one is really just just entering to prayer, start sharing your story. And then truly allow the Lord to heal you. Because you just never know where he's going to lead you in is awesome. Yeah, just awesome.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen sister Amen and just hearing your heart overjoyed as she you pour into the others, Angela and I just in your tears, I mean, your tears, say it all the genuine heart that you have of what God has done in your life is is is just, we see it, we feel it, you know, I pray the listener is grasping the beauty. It reminds me of the song, something beautiful, something good. All my confusion, he understood. And just as you were explaining that, you you had to just give it to him, lay it at the foot of the cross. And He understood it all. And he forgave you. And now the freedom that you are experiencing in Jesus and impact on lives that this calling has done has is just, there's no price tag on it. You know, you do it for him, and his glory. And I just, I'm proud to serve with you. As a sister in ministry, I am thankful to now be able to call you friend Angela, we have had some times together that I won't ever forget. This woman is just beautiful. There's another scripture and all of you who listen, no, I love to share scripture, you can never get enough but He lifted me out of the pit of despair. out of the mud in the mire, he set my feet on solid ground and steadily studied me as I walked along that Psalm 40 Verse two, and Angela knew that she couldn't do this on her own. And God steadied her feet as she surrendered her life to him and he did it. He did it. Ladies, he will do that through you. Just surrender your heart to him. Give him your all. Tell him you can't do this on your own. Ask for forgiveness for whatever it is that's binding you up and holding you prisoner to serving Him because He wants all of you. And he's going to help you all the way through ladies and what what is being held back from that beautiful testimony that you are and like Angela said, share your story, right share it. The world needs to hear this god story that is in you. And we do give you that ability at women, world leaders just to share your God's story with the world we have so many opportunities. We're all in the same boat, we are sinners, but we're saved by God's grace, there is no shame and guilt once you're saved, it's like jump in with your story and share it because others just like you may be identifying with Angela and, and the pain she went through. We all have different stories and it might help somebody else to identify with your story. And there can be impact on the world. So ladies pray about that. And we just encourage you one of the ways you can get involved is through our magazine voice of truth. And we love this magazine because it is going out to the world to bless women wherever they are. You can read it digitally for free on women world Every edition passed is available through our website. And then also every edition that comes out you can have the opportunity to actually hold it in your hands if you want a copy of voice of truth. And the way that you get that is just become a monthly contributor to women world leaders of any amount. All we don't say but we'll send you our voice of truth every edition that it comes out. And it's amazing ladies jam packed with ability to Scripture to change your life and impact your life stories that you can relate to just one of the things we do at women world leaders and we want to hear from you. So please just reach us You can reach me personally Kimberly at women world And I also love to give opportunity to our guests for how they can be reached if if Angela and her sharing has impacted you or you know of a way that somehow you can help this ministry hearts for moms. It's huge. God is doing big things within this ministry Angela, how can they reach you?

Angela Ball   Thank you so they can go to our website at hearts for We also have Social media through Facebook and Instagram, at heart hearts for moms, and LinkedIn as well. So those are some of the ways that they can reach us. We also, I would like to add a little something, Kimberly, because I've seen the beautiful product that you always give on a quarterly basis with your magazines. And the stories are so empowering. And I want to truly, truly be able to say that without your stories without that magazine, we, the testimonies is really what continues to build us up, right is what's continued to speak to us. So I encourage your listeners to see the value of this. And I'm going to say that it's a $20 a month value, that means that it needs to be, I will sign up today, I will become one of your monthly contributors. And I encourage others to do the same. Because again, this is too valuable to miss. So the quality of your work is amazing. Your heart is incredible. And I just want to be able to pass it along and share it as much as we can. Because again, we all need to link arms together. You know, ministry is hard nonprofits to be able to raise funds, it's hard, but in order for any nonprofit to become self sustainable, is through the monthly giving. So let's make a great impact on to woman world leaders by becoming monthly givers.

Kimberly Hobbs   Angela, like, like I'm teary eyed because Thank you. Thank you. Wow, while again, God is moving. He's moving mightily in the hearts of ministries. And we just need to open our eyes to what's around us and what tools and what ability God gives us through some of these ministries. And ladies, I don't know if God stirring in your heart even for ministry might be a big thing to grasp right now. But even partnering with Ministries is huge. And God will bless that He'll bless your giving. He'll bless you're getting involved, whatever way you can serve, serve him serve him wholeheartedly. And it's been a pleasure, Angela, thank you from my heart for just who you are in Jesus and again for your willing heart to come on and just share your story with our ladies and in our listeners. God bless you and it is honor. Thank you as we close it out. I always say from his heart to yours. We are women, world leaders and hearts for moms. And all copy all content is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed written consent. Please have a beautiful and blessed day and Jesus God bless you