It's time to feel AS IF you already have the reality you desire!


Acting as if can help us work through unhealthy habits and patterns. It is extremely useful in changing thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes.


Acting as if is simply behaving, thinking, and feeling as if we already have something we want, or that something we want to happen is already occurring in our lives, or that we already know how to do something we really want to do.


👉🏻 Act the Part


Acting the part is the first step of utilising this method. You have to physically behave as if you already have what it is you desire.


That means if you desire to have a successful, profitable business, act as if you already have it. We have to act accordingly to that.


👉🏻 Speak the Part


Our language has such an incredible impact on many behaviours, reactions and feelings we have.


Speaking the part is a lot about speaking what you desire into existence.


👉🏻 Look the Part


This is super important in acting as if, because if you look the way you want, you will raise your vibration and speed the creation process along even more.


Look the part is the equivalent of “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”


👉🏻 Believe in YOU!


This is, of course, the most important step. You have got to believe in the character you are creating, fully.


You have to love that character, and you have to love yourself as you are now, because you are one and the same.


You are simply enhancing the traits that are already within you and bringing them out more, while gently and lovingly releasing habits that no longer serve you.


Which one are you going to tap into this week?