Welcome to Episode 5 of the Business Boss Lady Series. 


On this week's episode, I talk to my first ever coach, and the woman who really helped me make my business what it is today, Carly Taber!


Carly is a Business Coach who helps other coaches, healers and health professionals create an online business of consistent clients, income and work-life balance. She uses a combination of Marketing, Mindset & Strategy to help them start and scale to $10k+ months.


In this episode, Carly tells us about her favourite mindset practices, the limiting beliefs she's had to overcome and her biggest lessons learnt along the way. We talk about the importance of reflecting on how much you’ve already done, and how in doing so you realise that you are already embodying so many of the CEO principles.


Carly also talks about why she's glad for all of the things she didn't know when she was in the early stages of her business, and how she doesn't believe she'd have taken the plunge if she did.


Plus, Carly tells us the biggest myth she’d love to bust - particularly for early stage entrepreneurs!


If you want to find out more about Carly, or get in contact, her links are below!


Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/carlytaber/ 

Website - https://carlytaber.com/