I often get asked how I show up on stories with such ease…


Showing up daily showing myself, the business and creating connections with my ideal clients that allows me to convert in the DM’s. 


You want to show up on stories but...


“I never know what to say” 

“Who cares what I have to say?”

“My life is quite boring. What would I show?”

“Is what I have to say going to be interesting”


In today’s podcast I discuss my own KNOW, LIKE & TRUST model for your stories. This will allow you (with action taking), start showing up on stories and converting your clients.


Recent interview with Helena @girlunfiltered - https://open.spotify.com/episode/340egeg3XGIJ88psY88eo5?si=dSaRJWR6Q1-U9vLuJoUB-g&dl_branch=1&nd=1


Let's Connect: ✨


Book your free discovery call here: https://hello.dubsado.com:443/public/appointment-scheduler/60adfd3eed8756994610c768/schedule

Free Higher Self Visibility Hack : https://www.rebeccahaydon.com/higher-self-visibility-hack/

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