Think about what you are trying to be ‘motivated’ to do…

What three mini accomplishments could you do today to move you closer towards that goal?

1. We listen to fear

When we rely on motivation alone, fear shows up to prove to us that we really won’t achieve the goal we are trying to achieve. The negative thoughts, and the ‘what if I don’t achieve this’ can out way the motivation and we fall into the hole of ‘ah forget it I’ll try again some other time’.

2. Inconsistent self-worth

When we rely on being motivated we start to question our every move, and in doing so, question our self-worth. We begin to feel down if we ‘fall off the band wagon’ or ‘haven’t done the things we needed to do today’. External factors start to affect our motivation, subsequently affecting our self-worth.

3. We believe X will give us Y

When we are close to reaching our goal, we put a feeling on the goal and don’t allow ourselves to feel it unless we achieve it.

Therefore, if we can’t rely simply on motivation to get things done and achieve our goals, what can we rely on?


The key to this, is that we must consistently act on our goals, whether we are “motivated” or not.

This is a very simple and easy exercise that I do with my clients, but it’s the one thing I swear by, as it truly does create lasting habits. If you take this exercise into account and start acting on it today, then all the things that are inconsistent in your life will begin to be consistent.

Think about what you are trying to be ‘motivated’ to do…

What three mini accomplishments could you do today to move you closer towards that goal?

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