Everywhere I look - there you are! 


We hear the word omnipresent a lot in the entrepreneur space and rightly so. 


A client once said to me “Honestly Bec, everywhere you look, BOOM you are there again! I had to book a call”


I created a space, platforms, opportunities for that client to feel ready to book a call with me, and guess what - she signed and paid on the spot!


So, what is omnipresence?


The state of being widespread or constantly encountered. 


Remember the old marketing rule…


‘The marketing rule of 7's states that a potential customer must see a message at least 7 times before they'll be provoked to take an action’


In today’s podcast I educate you on 4 reasons why we want to create omnipresence in our business and how you can start to create an omnipresence strategy in your business for ultimate growth and success.


Let's Connect: 👇🏻


Book your free discovery call here: https://hello.dubsado.com:443/public/appointment-scheduler/60adfd3eed8756994610c768/schedule

Free Higher Self Visibility Hack: https://www.rebeccahaydon.com/higher-self-visibility-hack/

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