I asked a question in my Facebook Group recently, ‘‘When it comes to speaking about your ZONE OF GENIUS how do you feel?”. There were some really epic answers including...

I feel confident, I feel inspired and I feel completely fired up - like nothing can stop me. Terrified to start, settled and them I can't stop. Excited, energised, inspired!

However there was one comment that said “baffled? what is zone of genius?” and this started me thinking. Do people actually realise what is their zone of genius?

There are so many ways we can work through our zone of genius, so let’s start with looking at your passion and skill set…

List out all of your skill sets Circle the Top 3 that interest you the most Write out all the ideas you have that you can talk about on each of the Top 3 that interest you

Now to find your passions...

List out all of your passions Circle the Top 3 that interest you the most Action Step: circle where your PASSION and SKILL SETS join together