Grab your Higher Self Visibility Hack:

Don’t settle for less. Ever. If you take anything away from this episode is that for you to step into the next level of business owner that you and your clients are waiting for, you need to abandon all of your current thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviour that keep you stuck in your current reality. What is the point? It’s never going to happen for you, right? Why? Sorry to serve you a truth bomb, beauty but you are coming from a place of lack which stops you from moving forward in your life and in your business. 

But that is okay because in this episode I share with you my five mindset techniques to move through the up levels and feel safe when doing so. You will rewire those neural pathways and go from “How can I be AS IF, if I don’t have *insert your desire here*’” to jumping all in with conviction and feeling that you do deserve whatever it is that your heart desires. Ready to learn how to step out of your current reality, collapse time, and move into the next reality as a next-level business owner? Get your journals out, this is going to be juicy!

In today’s episode we chat about:

- My experience of being stuck in my current reality and how I move through it

- My thoughts about overnight success

- My 5 mindset techniques I use through the up levels

- How to ensure you are on the path of least resistance

- The external vs the internal and which is the most important for your success

- What the Higher Self Mind Map is all about and how it has helped me in all aspects of life

- A quick visualization exercise to get clear on what your next level version of you looks like

- How to flag a limiting belief

- Journal prompts to work through the limiting belief and to create safety about feeling that you deserve whatever you want

- What you need to tap into to see the results

- The biggest thing I did to get where I am today



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